The Arts
The arts have the capacity to engage, inspire and enrich all students, exciting the imagination and encouraging them to reach their creative and expressive potential. The Arts is a learning area that draws together related but distinct art forms. While these art forms have close relationships and are often used in interrelated ways, each involves different approaches to arts practices and critical and creative thinking that reflect distinct bodies of knowledge, understanding and skills.
Core Curriculum
The curriculum examines past, current and emerging arts practices in each art form across a range of cultures and places.
The five arts subjects in the Australian Curriculum: The Arts provide opportunities for students to learn how to create, design, represent, communicate and share their imagined and conceptual ideas, emotions, observations and experiences.
The Australian Curriculum: The Arts comprises five subjects:
- Dance
- Drama
- Media Arts
- Music
- Visual Arts
Teaching and Learning Opportunities
Throiughout learning experiences in The Arts, studnets will be involved in both making and responding.
Making includes learning about and using knowledge, skills, techniques, processes, materials and technologies to explore arts practices and make artworks that communicate ideas and intentions.
Responding includes exploring, responding to, analysing and interpreting artworks.
In making and responding to artworks, students consider a range of viewpoints or perspectives through which artworks can be explored and interpreted. These include the contexts in which the artworks are made by artists and experienced by audiences. The world can be interpreted through different contexts, including social, cultural and historical contexts.
Specialist Programs
At St Benedict's, students participate in a dance program during Term 2 where the instruction is provided by a specialist dance teacher. Biannually, all students are also involved in a whole school performance that includes dance.
Each week, all students also are engaged in music lessons delivered by a specialist teacher. Students improvise, compose, arrange and perform music. Over time, they also develop aural, technical and expressive skills in singing and playing instruments.