Learning Dispositions

At Saint Benedict’s, we believe that the more students understand how a ‘good learner’ behaves, the more likely they will be able to develop this behaviour themselves. 

We know that as the world is changing so rapidly, students have to be able to respond confidently and creatively towards it. In order to do this, they need to have acquired important skills and attitudes or certain ‘learning dispositions’.

At St Benedict’s, we have created our own set of ‘learning dispositions’ that we feel is important to foster and grow in our students so that they can become successful, active learners and citizens. These dispositions help our students to have ownership of their learning and become more equipped for life long learning.

Our learning dispositions are grouped under 4 key areas: 

Be the living Gospel

Be an active learner

Be self-aware

Be connected


In providing a journey for students from Kindergarten to Year 6 our vision for all our boys and girls is that by the end of this journey they will be:

Be the Living Gospel - Compassionate, prayerful, committed to mission and be stewards of creation

Be Self Aware - Adaptive, independent, mindful and courageous

Be Active Learners - Creative and critical thinkers, problem solvers, reflective and curious

Be Connected - Global participants, responsible, collaborative and effective communicators