Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care permeates the total climate of all relationships within the community. It has the individual as its focus the ethos of Gospel-based communities and this is reflected in the support, the encouragement and the care experienced by students.

At St Benedict’s the primary goal of all Pastoral Care is to assist in the personal development of each child. With its life-giving focus, the St Benedict’s Pastoral Care policy ensures members of the community can:

  • Grow and be affirmed in their dignity and worth as a person
  • Appreciate themselves
  • Develop skills in building personal relationships
  • Experience responsible self-discipline
  • Encourage supportive relationships

The implementation of the St Benedict’s Pastoral Care Policy will contribute to providing an environment in which students are given the opportunity to:

  • Know how to use their gifts and appreciate the gifts of others
  • Have the ability to make informed decisions
  • Be honest, considerate, just and self-disciplined

When reviewing our Behaviour Management Policy our students identified that they want to feel and be:


As a result, the student and staff community formulated the 5 Ways of Being:

5 Ways of Being.jpg

Pastoral Care Policies