Parent Charter for Catholic Schools - Canberra Goulburn Archdiocese

School Board

The Board assists the school to fulfil its mission in accordance with the Code of Canon Law, Archdiocesan directives and guidelines and policies of the Catholic Education Commission (CEC) and Catholic Education (CE).

The Board has a decision making role in certain policy areas and an advisory role in others.  The policies of the school are always set within the wider mission of Catholic Education.  The Board considers school policies within the policy and procedures determined by the CEC and CE.  The Principal has the responsibility for the day to day leadership and management of the school.

Role of the School Board

The St Benedict's School Board has the responsibility to make decisions in the following areas:

  • Supporting the development of the Catholic Identity, ethos and mission of the school;
  • Supporting pastoral care strategies in the school community;
  • Promoting the school in the local community;
  • Developing capital and maintenance programs;
  • Approving school uniform items decided at school level;
  • Consulting with Catholic Education on school matters; and
  • Consulting with the Parents and Friends Association on the expenditure of levies or funds.
The School Board also has responsibility to monitor and provide advice in areas including: Educational, students welfare and other school policies, School Budget,
Curriculum offerings, School Enterprises including the After School Care Program and Hall hirePromoting diversity and inclusion in the school community; and
Other matters as requested by the Principal of Parish Priest.

Parents and Friends Association

The Parents & Friends Association (P&F) has a major role to play as a parent forum, in developing the community of parents, students and staff, and in fundraising. All parents are welcome to attend any meeting of the P&F and Executive members are elected from the parent community. The P&F works closely with the Principal and staff to provide input on parent priorities, support the School Board, provide social interaction for parents to develop supportive networks and raise money for school resources. 

Parent Representatives

Each class has a Parent Representative to assist classroom teachers with communication to parents (eg. organise volunteers), create opportunities for families to gather socially and to help welcome new families into the school. You can find out each class' parent representative by asking the classroom teacher.

Parent Volunteers

Parent help and assistance is always welcome!

  • Regular assistance in the classroom is organised by teachers and there are a variety of possible options from listening to reading, working with small literacy groups to assisting in Art or Physical Education classes.
  • Occasional assistance at events or excursions are organised by the staff member coordinating the event.
  • All volunteers wishing to assist in the classrooms, canteen, carnivals, must complete a WWVP form. Without this approval, you will be unable to assist in any way from November 1 2013. Please show registration card to the front office so that a copy can be taken.