Teaching & Learning

At St Benedict's we offer students the opportunity to develop as a...

1. Learner

The core business that distinguishes our school as a social institution is the development of children as learners. Our Curriculum develops the understandings, skills and attitudes for lifelong learning that are vital to the success of students in primary and secondary school, in further education and training and in the workplace.

2. Person

Our curriculum provides the foundation for each student's intellectual, physical, social, emotional, moral and spiritual development, enabling them to discover and develop their capabilities and talents through a balanced education of the whole person.

3. Community member

Our curriculum prepares students with the knowledge, understandings, skills and values to be active, informed citizens and to participate in the social and economic life of the community.

4. Contributor to society

Our curriculum develops students as critical thinkers, problem-solvers and innovators. It supports students to apply their knowledge and skills to their experiences beyond school and to contribute to the local, national and global society.

Adapted from Every Chance To Learn (p.8)

Catholic Faith & Gospel Values

Guided by Gospel values, we provide an educational community within which the spiritual life is influenced specifically by our patron, St Benedict and supported by a very active and involved Parish. Students have the opportunity to hear the Good News and to respond to the person and message of Jesus. We provide students with opportunities to share their faith through celebrating Masses, liturgies, focus assemblies and Sacramental Programs including retreats and reflection days.

Quality Teaching & Learning

At St Benedict’s a balance is maintained between educational innovation and effective teaching strategies through the implementation of the Quality Teaching Framework.

School Curriculum

The School curriculum is based on the Australian Curriculum