Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)

Technology at St Benedict's Primary is viewed as a tool that allows each student to reach their full potential and be active participants in their learning and development.  We aim to help students get the most out of digital technologies, adapt to new ways of doing things as technologies evolve and limit risks as they participate in online environments.

Technology, combined with excellent pedagogy should assist students to develop the necessary skills to prepare them for the challenges of tomorrow.  The BYOD program aims to promote students ability to:

  • communicate their ideas:
  • think critically and problem solve;
  • create and curate content; and
  • collaborate with students and the global community.

Mobile technology and online learning platforms, such as Google Classroom, make it easier to adapt classroom environments to cater for more learning styles.  As technology plays a large role in our students' lives, we believe personal devices can enhance and enrich learning opportunities both at school and at home.