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Dear Parents and Carers,
Yesterday our students participated in an ANZAC Day ceremony hosted by the students of 3/4 Gold, with the help of Ms Sam Slocomb and Mrs Linda De Salis, our Defence Mentor. It was a solemn commemoration observance, with the students participating with such reverence. It was wonderful to have the digeridoo and the bugle played as part of our ceremony.
Thank you to Mr Andrew Jones (father of Oliver, Year 6) who with Oliver gave the address. During the address they made special mention of our school Ways of Being and how they were necessary skills for service men and women and the families that support them. This special touch made the commemorative address even more poignant for our students. Thank you to Mrs Patricia Weston (mother of Cooper, Year 4) and Mrs Lauren McHardy (mother of Henry, Kindergarten) who also both played a significant role in our ceremony. Thank you to Mr Dean Stelter from the New Zealand High Commission, Mrs Katrina Cambridge from Catholic Education and Mr Greg Kennett from the Woden Valley RSL sub-branch who were also in attendance. Thank you to our serving family members and parents who were able to join us for the ceremony.
Gracious and loving God,
the cross of Christ is the sign of your desire for justice and peace for all.
Open our minds to your vision as we remember all who suffered through Australia and New Zealand’s involvement in wars, conflicts, and peacekeeping operations.
Grant all servicepersons who sacrificed health and life for the good of all, the gift of your deep peace.
May we who inherit the freedom for which they fought become instruments of your peace in our homes, workplaces, and world.
We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord.
God bless.
Rachel Smith
Cross Country Carnival
Thank you to all those who attended and helped with our Cross Country carnival last Friday. A great morning was had by all and the students efforts were outstanding!
Enrolment period 2022
Enrolment period for 2022 is fast approaching. If you have a little one ready for school in 2022, or you know of anyone interested in looking at our fantastic school for their children, please let them know that they can commence the enrolment process soon.
Catholic Education Enrolment Period is from Monday 3 May to Friday 28 May. The theme this year is 'Faith and Hope in the Future'. Application for enrolment is completed online at:
We will be holding Open Days and Open Evenings at the following times;
- Thursday 22nd April – 9.30am – 2.30pm
- Friday 30th April – 9.30am – 2.30pm
- Tuesday 4th May – 3.30pm – 5.30pm
- Wednesday 5th May – 9.30am – 11.30am
- Monday 10th May – 9.30am – 11.30am
- Tuesday 11th May – 3.30pm – 5.30pm
Please spread the word.
Last year we moved to a new online system for marking the roll. Teachers mark the roll first thing in the morning. Students arriving after the bell need to be signed in at the front office by a parent/carer – their late attendance details are then automatically updated on the classroom roll. Likewise, when students are signed out early, or for appointments and return to school this information is automatically transferred to class rolls. Please continue to use SZapp for student days absent or alternatively email Very shortly we will begin using the Parent Portal of COMPASS. Please keep an eye out for the user guides.
Athletics Carnival
Next, Thursday 6th May we will be having our annual Athletics Carnival at the Philip Oval in Woden. Please ensure you have returned your child’s permission note. We are still very short of volunteers if you have anytime available to assist on the day could you please contact
Celebrating our Mothers
With Mother’s Day around the corner the First Friday Mass next Friday will focus on being thankful for our Mothers. Kindergarten and Year 3/4 Blue will be leading us at this time and we encourage all mothers and grandmothers of our students to come to Mass and be a part of the celebration.
In two weeks our Year 3 and 5 students will sit the national NAPLAN tests in Literacy and Numeracy. Year 3 and 5 students are spending time undertaking a little NAPLAN preparation. We like to help them relax before the tests by talking through examples of the types of questions that will be asked of them and practicing how to sit, read and interpret test items within a time frame. During this time some students may initially experience a little anxiety as they begin to realise what it is they will participate in. After all, it isn’t the typical way we teach and learn in the classroom. If parents are concerned about their child participating in NAPLAN, please contact your son or daughter’s teacher to discuss the options available.
Winter Uniform
A reminder that it is expected that all students will commence next week, week 3, Monday 3rd May with the winter uniform.
First Holy Communion Prayer Evening 12th May 6-7.30pm
Candidates and a parent/carer must attend.
Important: DATE CHANGE
Please note that the Sacrament of First Holy Communion will now be celebrated Saturday 19th June 3.30pm
Please email Nat Wright if you have any questions.
Mother’s Day Mass 7th May 10am
Next Friday, Kindergarten and 3/4 Blue will be leading our school community in celebrating our Mother’s Day Mass. All are welcome to attend. Parents and visitors are also welcome to join our staff in the library afterwards for morning tea. During the Mass we would like to share a slideshow of the children with their mothers/grandmothers/great grandmothers/aunties, if you would like to contribute to this slideshow please email your photos to Breena Walshe by Wednesday 5th May.
ANZAC Prayer
Timeless God,
Christ of the Cross,
Spirit of Peace,
In a minute’s silence take us into compassion and understanding.
In a minute’s silence may we find ourselves almost walking in the shoes of those we remember.
In a minute’s silence may we seek the joys that sustained them in the trials that they faced.
In a minute’s silence may we find the courage that empowered them in the suffering they endured.
In a minute’s silence may we be inspired to love like the sacrifice that they made.
In a minute’s silence may we comprehend the ripples of pain that bounce around the world in response to such disturbance.
In a minute’s silence may we learn the lessons which will lead to such things never occurring again.
In a minute’s silence may we decide to be better in ourselves, that the world may be better with us in it.
In a minute’s silence may the world change for the better.
In a minute’s silence may all this be so.
In a minute’s silence we pray. Amen.
(Jon Humphries)
Online Gaming
Online games can be great fun for your child, but make sure you can help them manage the risks.
Many games can improve your child’s coordination, problem-solving and multi-tasking skills, as well as help build social skills through online interactivity with other players. It is also important, however, to understand what might go wrong and have a negative impact on your child.
How common is it?
81% of children aged 8 to 17 have played an online game
64% have played a multiplayer online game with others
52% have played with people they did not know
17% have experienced bullying or abuse while playing a network game with others
34% have made an in-game purchase and this rose to 45% when they played a network game with others
Potential Issues with Online Gaming
On the eSafety Commission’s website,, parents and carers can find information to assist them with potential risks of online gaming for children.
Information can be found to support in the following areas:
- How to create a safer gaming environment for your child
- Is your child spending too much time gaming?
- Grooming and bullying through in-game chat
- Limiting in-game purchases
- Games with gambling themes
One issue that can arise when children are playing online games is that of in-game purchases.
In-game purchases – The Issues
Some games may be free to download but require payments to advance beyond a certain point or to access additional content not available in the free version — like special powers for a character. Similar incentives to buy may also be offered in paid games.
34% of children aged 8 to 17 have made an in-game purchase and this rose to 45% when they played a network game with others.
What are the risks?
- It can be unclear you are spending money
Not all apps or online games sufficiently disclose the point at which you are making an in-app purchase. - Children can spend money without realising
Children using their parent’s devices may not realise that in-app or in-game purchases are spending their parent’s money. - It is easy to spend a lot of money without realising
You can spend a lot of money within a game or app without realising, because you don’t have to submit credit card details with each transaction.
Talk to your child about costs
- Point out that games, apps and extra features can cost real money.
- Set a reasonable weekly or monthly spend for apps, games and data, and help your child track their usage so they can make good choices.
- Monitor what your child is playing; have them sit and play the online games in an open area where what they are doing can be seen by adults.
Use parental controls
- Ensure you have set the parental controls on mobile devices and gaming consoles to limit in-game and in-app purchases, so your child has to ask to buy additional items.
- Consider keeping passwords for the App Store or Google Play to yourself so your child cannot purchase apps and add-ons without you knowing or set up ‘family sharing’ so any purchases must be approved by you.
Important dates to note for this term are:
30 April School Disco
3 May Enrolment Period to Friday 28th May
4 May Parents & Friends Meeting, 6.30pm
6 May Athletics Carnival (Whole School)
7 May Mothers’ Day Mass, 10.00am
Mothers Day Stall
Whole School Assembly, 2.30pm
11 May Constable Kenny Visit K-2
School Board Meeting, 6.00pm
12-21 May Naplan Yrs 3 and 5 students
12 May First Communion Prayer Night, 6.00pm—7.30pm
14 May Walk Safely to School Day
19 May National Simultaneous Storytime
21 May Whole School Assembly 2.30pm
23 May Pentecost Sunday
24 May Feast of Mary Help of Christians
26 May National Sorry Day
28 May Yr5/6 Excursion To Jerrabomberra Wetlands
31 May Reconciliation Day (Public Holiday)
1 Jun Reconciliation Day Liturgy, 10.30am
Parents & Friends Meeting, 6.30pm
4 Jun First Friday Mass, 10.00am
Whole School Assembly, 2.30pm
8 Jun School Board Meeting, 6.00pm
11 Jun World of Maths Visit
14 Jun Queen's Birthday (Public Holiday)
17 Jun Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge
Ambassador visit
Learning Showcase, 2.00pm
18 Jun Semester reports sent home
Whole School Assembly, 2.30pm
20 Jun First Communion Mass, 9.00am
21 Jun Parent—Teacher Interviews (Optional)
22 Jun Parent—Teacher Interviews (Optional)
24 Jun Mini Vinnies Winter Woolies Day
25 Jun St Benedict’s Feast Day Mass, 10.00am
Ways of Being Award Assembly, 2.15pm
Term 2 concludes
The following notes are going home this week.
Kindergarten - SeesawKindergarten_Seesaw.pdf
Athletics Permission Note
Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Sapkota and Nobel in year 6, whom over the holiday's became a big brother to Nobita, a beautiful little sister.
ANZAC Day Liturgy

Cross Country Carnival

The children in Kindergarten have returned from holidays full of enthusiasm for their learning. Recently, they have been exploring patterns and 2D shape in Mathematics. They have also been reading a lot of stories; one of their favourites has been ‘The Hairy Bear’. This humorous story has inspired investigations into characters, the setting and events. It has also supported them to use their imagination in their writing.

Happy Birthday to the following child who celebrates their special day this week: Elijah M and Nicolas C.
Year 1/2B: Mia C and Fergus
Year 3/4B: Huxley N and Zachary H
Year 3/4G: Jack O and Sebastian M
Year 5/6B: Miya H and Payton B
Hurry - This Friday is this years 1st Disco - Don't miss out. You are now able to pay for the Disco on Qkr! - Just go to P&F Events and the Disco will be there. All notes must be returned so we have numbers and can stay Covid Safe.
In our transition out of the COVID-19 restrictions we ask for your support in social distancing, logging onto the CBR App and signing in at the front office. Until we are able to confirm the new clothing pool arrangements we ask that you please email the school contact Mrs McRae with a list of items required. We will endeavour to fill your order and reply to you as soon as possible.
Please check that your child/ren are bringing their uniform home as it is an easy mistake to pick up someone else's uniform. Please place the incorrect uniform in the lost property box or return it to the student or front office.
School HatsThe new school hats have finally arrived and available for purchasing at the front office. The cost of new school hats are $12.
School Ties
As we have had a number of parents inform us that they were unable to purchase school ties, we have sourced 10 new school ties from Savvy's. These ties are now available for purchase from the clothing pool for $25 each. Unfortunately, these are the only ties we have available as all donated ties have now been sold.
Our school tuckshop is still currently closed.
We will let you know as soon as it is open and students are able to order from the tuckshop.
A reminder that when the tuckshop opens counter sales only occur at Recess time and lunch orders must be ordered in the morning. Don’t forget to use the Qkr! App to place your child’s order. Volunteers are always welcome. No amount of time is too small.
Apple slinky Tuesdays
We would like to thank the wonderful parents that have offered to come and do slinky apples for students each Tuesday morning. There is no cost, we just ask that students bring their own apple to be slinkied for fruit break.
St Benedict's Parish
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12noon
Phone: 62957879
Web: website:
Parish Team:
Fr Rembert Fernando MGL
Fr Baiju Thomas MGL
Monica Nulley-Valdes and Cathy Schneider (Parish Secretaries)
Mass Times:
Saturday Vigil - 6pm
Sunday - 9am
- 6pm Charismatic Mass
Youth Mass every 4th Sunday (6pm)
Baptisms: 11.00am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month.