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Dear Parents and Carers,
This year has certainly challenged our school community to think outside the box and to think of new ways to do things. Long held traditions of our Feast Day celebrations, school masses and community events have had to be cancelled or adapted to meet the COVID 19 health requirements and restrictions. Usually at this time we would be looking forward to welcoming our Grandparents and Grand Friends into our school to celebrate and recognise the important role they play in the lives of the students. Although we cannot welcome our special visitors into our school we would still like to celebrate and acknowledge their importance. Next Friday our Kindergarten students will lead us in a special Grandparents and Grand Friends mass which will be zoomed out to the classrooms. In order to still include our grandparents, we would love for you to send photos to Mrs Tomadini of your child/children with their grandparents. To ensure your photos are included please email them to by Friday 14th August.
As part of our Grandparents and Grand Friends celebration we would like every student to write a letter to their Grandparents or Grand Friends which the school would then post on their behalf. To help us achieve this goal we ask that parents send a postal address for their child’s grandparents to their child’s classroom teacher. The teacher’s email addresses are provided below;
- Kindergarten –
- 1/2 Blue –
- 1/2 Gold –
- 3/4 Blue –
- 3/4 Gold –
- 5/6 Blue –
- 5/6 Gold –
Our two parent committees, the School Board and Parents & Friends Association, are also trying to think a little differently about the way they communicate and reach out to the school community. Please continue to read the newsletter for regular updates from both these wonderful committees. The P&F will soon be sharing an exciting proposal for the garden at the front of the school and ways families can be involved. You may have already noticed that some work has begun on the garden. Watch this space for more exciting information!
God Bless.
Rachel Smith
School Fees
During the school holidays the canteen and fascias around the school were painted. This painting included the painting of the brick wall in the canteen foyer, which has made a significant difference to the appearance of that area. The painting has been paid for by the Building Fund that families contribute to. The Building Fund is currently a voluntary contribution and tax deductible. This fund is managed directly by the CEO to be used to pay for the upkeep of our schools. Under the current arrangement, should St Benedict’s require a plumber to fix leaking toilets or an electrician to fix the heating or have a broken window fixed, we simply contact the CEO and they send the relevant tradesmen. The cost for this is paid by the CEO through the CCSBF money (i.e. the building fund). Some of the funds each year are also used to support schools in small projects that they cannot fully fund at school level. Should all our families elect not to pay this fund, then the CCSBF will no longer be viable and the CEO will no longer be able to provide these services. Should that occur, each school would have to introduce an additional levy to fund this specialised maintenance, and I fear this would be an expensive exercise for the school and the families and would not be tax deductible. I encourage our families to continue to support this initiative in order to maintain the condition of our school. Thank you for your efforts in this aspect of our partnership.
Just a reminder that one of the many ways we communicate at St Benedict’s is through the Schoolzine SZapp messaging system. If you have not already downloaded this app it would be worth considering doing so.
An annual satisfaction surveys of parents, students and staff is being conducted on behalf of all Catholic schools in the Diocese this term. The surveys are designed to gather feedback from parents, staff and students about their school and will be used to inform school improvement. Responses are confidential and individuals cannot be identified.
The surveys were launched via email last Friday 7th August and close on August 19th, 2020 using the email addresses supplied to the school. If you did not receive an email with a link to the survey on August 7th, you can access and complete the survey at the following link.
10 minutes a day!
Did you know that adding 10 minutes a day to a child’s reading makes a big difference over the year! Just 10 minutes of reading each day increases exposure to so many more words and ideas (in fact as much as 600,000 more words in a year). Just think of the increase in general knowledge, vocabulary, fluency, spelling and ability to comprehend. Whether you spend 10 minutes reading to your child, reading with them, listening to them read or ensuring they read 10 minutes before bed, you are having an enormous impact on their growth and development.
Leaving St Benedict’s
If you anticipate that your child will leave St Benedict’s at the end of this year, could you please notify the Front Office where they a heading to. We need to begin planning for staffing and class configurations for 2021. Naturally Year 6 parents need not respond to this request.
Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Thank you to Fr Rem and Year 5/6 for leading our school in celebrating the Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop. It was a lovely Mass centred on the courageous spirit of the Josephite Sisters. Students in our classes enjoyed the Mass from their classrooms online.
St Benedict’s School Sleepout Sponsorship
Students who have already collected sponsorship money for our St Benedict’s School Sleepout are welcome to hand this into the Front Office. We will let you know when a new date is set for the sleepout.
Grandparents and Grand Friends Day Mass
Next Friday Kindergarten will be leading our school in celebrating our Grandparents and Grand Friends Mass. As our grandparents and grand friends won’t be able to attend this Mass, our students will be writing letters to their grandparents or grand friends which will be posted by the school. Students will also be creating a piece of art for our grand friends at Mountain View Aged Care Centre. In preparation for this Mass we invite all families to email photos of students with their grandparents or grand friends to Mrs Tomadini
Frist Holy Communion Sacramental Program
All First Holy Communion candidates received an important note yesterday. Please read all information carefully and return notes by the due date.
We have tried to keep as many of our usual school events as possible. Please understand that in the current environment these events may be cancelled or the style in which they are held may change.
15 Aug Feast of the Assumption
17 Aug Science Week begins
18 Aug JollyBots Science Show
21 Aug Mass to celebrate Grandparents & Grand Friends
21 Aug DTT Session (Doing Things Together - Buddy Program)
26 Aug Music Viva Incursion
26 Aug First Holy Communion Prayer Night, 5.30pm
1 Sep Parents & Friends Meeting, 6.30pm
2 Sep Indigenous Literacy Day
4 Sep Fathers’ Day, Mass
6 Sep Fathers’ Day
8 Sep School Board Meeting
9 Sep First Holy Communion, 6pm
11 Sep DTT Session
16 Sep First Holy Communion, 6pm
18 Sep Ways of Being Award Ceremony
21 Sep International Day of Peace
23 Sep School Photos
25 Sep Mindfulness Day
25 Sep Last day of Term 3
The following note was sent home this week.
First Holy Communion Update 2020
Please remember to check the Schoolzine App (SZapp) for all the latest school information. You are able to register via either:
Google Play -
School Fees
Thank you to all the families that have already paid their school fees. School Fees are now DUE. If you have any concerns regarding paying your fees, particularly due to
COVID-19, please contact either Ms Rachel Smith or Mrs Belinda McRae at the Front Office.
Grandparents Day Mass
Kindergarten will be hosting Grandparents Day Mass Friday 21st August. Please send photos of Grandparents and children by Wednesday 12 August to Mrs Tomadini. Mrs Tomadini will use these photos in a slide presentation.
Kinder: Sandy W
Year 1/2G: Andrew K
Year 3/4B: Rafael V-K
Year 3/4G: Mackenzie J
Year 5/6B: Himiona T
Year 5/6G: Arthur S
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
Please check your child/ren are bringing their uniform home. If they have accidentally picked up someone elses uniform, please return it to the front office so it can be returned to the correct child.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our normal school clothing pool processes are not in place. If you need uniform, please email the school or contact Mrs McRae with a list of items required. We will endeavour to fill your order and reply to you as soon as possible.
Due to current circumstances all clothes in lost property will be emptied and clothing will be washed and returned to the clothing pool. All other items will be cleaned and donated to St Vincent de Paul.
The school Tuckshop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please order on QKR

St Benedict's Parish
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12noon
Phone: 62957879
Parish Team:
Fr Dan Benedetti MGL
Fr Rembert Fernando MGL
Fr Baiju Thomas MGL
Monica Nulley-Valdes (Parish Secretary)
Anjalie Upasena (Parish Youth Minister)
Dear St Benedict’s community,
St Benedict’s Live Stream Masses
Facebook Page: “St Benedict’s Church and Mission Centre Canberra” Sunday Mass continues to be streamed at 10am. If you wish to attend in person, please contact Father Dan or the Parish.
All Normal Masses have recommenced. Saturday 6pm, Sunday 9am and 6pm (Charismatic)
We ask that you use the following links for the following masses to give us an idea of numbers please.
Please see below for links for this weekend’s Masses.
Saturday 6pm booking link
Sunday 9am booking link
Daily Mass from the Archdiocese is available online at .
If you would like to have email updates from St Benedict’s Parish, please contact . Be assured of our prayers for the whole St Benedict’s community at this time. Please keep safe and if anyone would like to contact Father Dan, he is available through the Parish or through the school.
St Benedict, pray for us.
God Bless
Fr Dan Benedetti MGL PP
Parish Priest
St Benedict's Catholic Community Narrabundah ACT
Spring Tennis Canberra coaching registrations are open!
Tennis Canberra's professional coaches are running junior tennis coaching programs at both South & North Canberra clubs this Spring. We welcome first time players and those who are ready to play competition tennis.
The 2020 Spring Season starts the week of August 24th however you are welcome to join at any time.
For more information and to book please visit or email

We are excited to offer the new Entertainment Apps.
Amazing 50% off and 2 for 1 deals across QLD & Canberra and Australia.
20% from each membership goes towards our fundraiser.
PLUS receive a bonus $10 or $20 Priceline eGift Card until 13th of August.
Help support us and our local community!
All bus and light rail services, including special needs transport, are operating as normal.
To keep our community safe from #COVID19, only use public transport if necessary or consider walking or riding to school for those shorter trips.
The safety of our drivers and our customers is our highest priority and in response to #COVID19 increased cleaning is taking place across all areas of public transport including at stops, stations and within the vehicles.
If you are required to use public transport to get to and from school, please be aware and remember the following:
- No cash accepted on buses - please use MyWay
- Top up (and register) your MyWay card
- Use the rear door to enter and exit on buses
- Be aware that light rail vehicles have auto doors opening at all stops
- Where possible maintain physical distancing
- No front seat access on buses
- Always practice good hygiene
For more:
Just advising that the opening hours for Savvy Tuggeranong have changed to the following. The below changes to opening times will be taking effect on 12th August 2020.
Uniform will continue to be available from Lowes in Queanbeyan and also online via
Savvy Tuggeranong current opening hours:
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am to 3pm
Sunday Closed
Lowes Queanbeyan current opening hours:
Mon - Sat 9am-5pm
Sunday 10am - 4pm
Thanking you and stay safe,
Charlene Muraotto
ACT/NSW Account Manager
P: 0499 056 234
Shop 37 Homeworld, Soward Way, Tuggeranong ACT 2900