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Dear Parents and Carers,
At St Benedict’s we know the most important learning students experience is far greater than the curriculum in the classroom. What children learn from school is more than what they learn in particular subject areas. We do want our students to be highly literate and numerate and build a strong foundation of general knowledge and skills. We also want much more for every student at the school.
Our aspiration is that all who receive an education at St Benedict’s become:
- articulate and compassionate in faith,
- independent in work,
- creative in thinking,
- respectful in relationships,
- confident of self,
- effective collaborators,
- skilled communicators and
- stewards of their world.
We carefully shape and design our curriculum to lead them to these goals. We collaborate with other people and agencies to provide opportunities for them to develop into the young people we want them to be. We love working with your children and are very proud to be part of the St Benedict’s community.
God Bless.
Rachel Smith
A huge Thank You to all our families for their support of the school tuckshop. There has been a big increase in the uptake of students using the tuckshop and Qkr! on both days. Thank you to Dave who is doing a fantastic job running the tuckshop and providing yummy choices for our children. The increased uptake in the tuckshop means we are in need of some volunteers to help Dave out. In the next few days you will receive a link through which volunteers can book in a time to help out. We are not looking to tie people to a regular commitment, we are just seeking parents or grandparents to volunteer for an hour on a Tuesday or Thursday on a day that suits them over the next two terms.
The St Benedict's Tuckshop is also excited to announce a new range of take home products. These products have been sourced from food businesses who can offer our community something a little different. First off, an amazing SriRacha hot sauce in mild and hot to add a special Zing to everything! It delivers smoky, fermented garlic and chili flavours and is well worth a try! We also have Canberra's favourite Muesli- RAD Muesli, some incredible Thai pastes, and grow your own oyster mushroom kits! All of these products can be ordered on Qkr! Plenty of new products to be added, so keep checking in! If you know someone with a food business, we'd love to get in touch!
Hats On!
Though it’s still cold, the UV is on the increase, so we remind you of the School policy regarding exposure to the sun: Simply stated, from August until May, there is a ‘No Hat – No Play’ policy. Therefore, from last Monday (3rd August) all children must wear their school uniform hats whilst outdoors at school. Please remind your child/children to bring their hat to school.
COVID-19 Update
St Benedict’s and Catholic Education continue to take advice from health authorities in relation to COVID-19. The Catholic Education Office has a team that is actively monitoring the COVID-19 situation as it develops, paying particular attention to local hotspots and organising support for schools where required. St Benedict’s is practicing all safe hygiene practices in line with government advice. We understand that the situation is fairly fluid, and we will communicate directly with you should there be any important changes in relation to our school operations in the coming weeks. We remind all families:
- If your child is unwell, they should not attend school;
- Please ensure that anyone who presents with COVID-19 symptoms in your family is tested; and
- Parents should avoid routinely entering the school where possible but can attend scheduled meetings with teachers where required (physical distancing and hygiene measures still apply).
Should you have any questions in relation to our school and COVID-19, please feel free to contact our Front Office.
Leaving St Benedict’s
If you anticipate that your child will leave St Benedict’s at the end of this year, could you please notify the Front Office where they a heading to. We need to begin planning for staffing and class configurations for 2021. Naturally Year 6 parents need not respond to this request.
Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop
Our school will celebrate the Feast of St Mary of the Cross MacKillop this Friday (7th August). Due to current COVID-19 restrictions, Catholic Education has advised that parents, carers and visitors will not be permitted to attend school Masses. Year 5/6 children will lead the Mass in the church while classes participate online from their classrooms.
St Benedict’s School Sleepout Sponsorship
Students who have already collected sponsorship money for our St Benedict’s School Sleepout are welcome to hand this into the Front Office. We will let you know when a new date is set for the sleepout.
Winter Woollies Day
Thank you to everyone for your generous donations on Winter Woollies Day. The Night Patrol Van is certainly well stocked! Students shared their learning about homelessness and human dignity and asked questions about the Night Patrol service. Each class loaded the van with their donations and then Fr Dan lead everyone in a special blessing. The Homeless Bears even joined us in welcoming the van to our school holding signs of hope.
We have tried to keep as many of our usual school events as possible. Please understand that in the current environment these events may be cancelled or the style in which they are held may change.
7 Aug Feast of St Mary MacKillop, Mass
8 Aug Feast of St Mary MacKillop
11 Aug Walk to School Day
11 Aug School Board Meeting
14 Aug Feast of the Assumption, Mass
15 Aug Feast of the Assumption
17 Aug Science Week begins
21 Aug Mass to celebrate Grandparents
21 Aug DTT Session (Doing Things Together - Buddy Program)
1 Sep Parents & Friends Meeting, 6.30pm
4 Sep Fathers’ Day, Mass
6 Sep Fathers’ Day
8 Sep School Board Meeting
11 Sep DTT Session
16 Sep School Family Mass, 9am
18 Sep Ways of Being Award Ceremony
20 Sep First Holy Communion, 9am Mass
21 Sep International Day of Peace
23 Sep School Photos
25 Sep Mindfulness Day
25 Sep Last day of Term 3
There were no notes sent home this week.
Please remember to check the Schoolzine App (SZapp) for all the latest school information. You are able to register via either:
Google Play -
School Fees
Thank you to all the families that have already paid their school fees. School Fees are now DUE. If you have any concerns regarding paying your fees, particularly due to COVID-19, please contact either Ms Rachel Smith or Mrs Belinda McRae at the Front Office.
Kindergarten will be hosting Grandparents Day Mass Friday 21st August. Please send photos of Grandparents and children by Wednesday 12 August to Mrs Tomadini by 12 August. Mrs Tomadini will use these photos in a slide presentation.
Winter Woollies
A big thank you to all those families that donated to our Winter Woollies appeal last week. We raised a total of $413.95. Well done everyone.
Commonwealth Student Banking has resumed at St Benedict's in Term 3. Our school banking day will continue to be Wednesday. Please ensure your bank book and money are sent to the Front Office via the class notebag.
Year 1/2G: Mia-Rose S
Year 3/4B: Olivia S
Year 3/4G: Claire L
Year 5/6B: Ciru N, Uma J and Sethmi L
Year 5/6G: William C
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, our normal school clothing pool processes are not in place. If you need uniform, please email the school or contact Mrs McRae with a list of items required. We will endeavour to fill your order and reply to you as soon as possible.
Due to current circumstances all clothes in lost property will be emptied and clothing will be washed and returned to the clothing pool. All other items will be cleaned and donated to St Vincent de Paul.
Please check your child/ren are bringing their uniform home. If they have accidently picked up someone elses, please return it to the front office so it can be returned to the correct child.
The school Tuckshop is open on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please order on QKR

St Benedict's Parish
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12noon
Phone: 62957879
Parish Team:
Fr Dan Benedetti MGL
Fr Rembert Fernando MGL
Fr Baiju Thomas MGL
Monica Nulley-Valdes (Parish Secretary)
Anjalie Upasena (Parish Youth Minister)
Dear St Benedict’s community,
St Benedict’s Live Stream Masses
Facebook Page: “St Benedict’s Church and Mission Centre Canberra” Sunday Mass continues to be streamed at 10am. If you wish to attend in person, please contact Father Dan or the Parish.
All Normal Masses have recommenced. Saturday 6pm, Sunday 9am and 6pm (Charismatic)
We ask that you use the following links for the following masses to give us an idea of numbers please.
Please see below for links for this weekend’s Masses.
Saturday 6pm booking link
Sunday 9am booking link
Daily Mass from the Archdiocese is available online at .
If you would like to have email updates from St Benedict’s Parish, please contact . Be assured of our prayers for the whole St Benedict’s community at this time. Please keep safe and if anyone would like to contact Father Dan, he is available through the Parish or through the school.
St Benedict, pray for us.
God Bless
Fr Dan Benedetti MGL PP
Parish Priest
St Benedict's Catholic Community Narrabundah ACT

We are excited to offer the new Entertainment Apps.
Amazing 50% off and 2 for 1 deals across QLD & Canberra and Australia.
20% from each membership goes towards our fundraiser.
PLUS receive a bonus $10 or $20 Priceline eGift Card until 13th of August.
Help support us and our local community!
All bus and light rail services, including special needs transport, are operating as normal.
To keep our community safe from #COVID19, only use public transport if necessary or consider walking or riding to school for those shorter trips.
The safety of our drivers and our customers is our highest priority and in response to #COVID19 increased cleaning is taking place across all areas of public transport including at stops, stations and within the vehicles.
If you are required to use public transport to get to and from school, please be aware and remember the following:
- No cash accepted on buses - please use MyWay
- Top up (and register) your MyWay card
- Use the rear door to enter and exit on buses
- Be aware that light rail vehicles have auto doors opening at all stops
- Where possible maintain physical distancing
- No front seat access on buses
- Always practice good hygiene
For more:
Just advising that the opening hours for Savvy Tuggeranong have changed to the following. The below changes to opening times will be taking effect on 24th June 2020.
Uniform will continue to be available online via
Savvy Tuggeranong current opening hours:
Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm
Saturday 9am to 3pm
Sunday 10am to 2.30pm
Thanking you and stay safe,
Charlene Muraotto
ACT/NSW Account Manager
P: 0499 056 234
Shop 37 Homeworld, Soward Way, Tuggeranong ACT 2900