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Dear Parents and Carers,
Over the last few weeks I have been lucky to see first-hand what makes St Benedict’s School so special and such a wonderful supportive community. The first example of this is the numerous emails, messages and phone calls of support both the staff and myself have received throughout every stage of this experience. The support has been constant and greatly appreciated as we too navigate these unchartered waters. I am sure like us; you are learning new skills in ICT and discovering a whole new approach to education.
At the end of last term we had our drive by Easter liturgy pack pick up and the Parish ZOOM Easter Liturgy, with some of our wonderful families. It was fantastic to see so many of our lovely families and to catch up with so many of our students both, past, present and future. All staff took time out to greet our students and reconnect with them. The Easter Liturgy was also a beautiful way to connect with families and parishioners during this difficult time.
The last example of the wonderful nature of the St Benedict’s community has been the overwhelming support from the School Board and P&F Committee, on behalf of the school community. This support came through the gift of an amazingly generous Easter hamper for all staff. The Easter hamper was enthusiastically shared by staff throughout the last week of term as we stepped our way through the professional learning. Thank you for your gift and your far reaching kindness.
As we navigate this unchartered road ahead please know that we are here to support not only your child but you as well. Do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher or myself if you have any concerns or need support in any way.
Prayer for the Start of Term Two
Dear Lord,
help me to live each day quietly, easily.
To lean upon your strength truthfully, restfully.
To wait for the unfolding of your will patiently, serenely.
To meet others peacefully, joyfully.
To face tomorrow confidently, courageously.
God bless.
Rachel Smith
Enrolment Period
Enrolment period began this week and continues until the 22nd May. This is the time to enrol children for high school, primary school and preschool. If you would like to enrol a sibling into Kinder next year please send an email to the Front Office. At this stage there will be no Open days or Open evenings occurring in schools, but I do encourage you to make contact with your prospective schools via email.
Library Borrowing
If your child would like to borrow books or change their books at the library, Mrs Anderson will be available Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays to do this. Please email Mrs Anderson to organise a suitable time to do this.
ANZAC Liturgy
You are invited to a special St Benedict's Children's ANZAC Liturgy Thursday 30th April 6.30pm in place of our traditional whole school ANZAC Liturgy. To allow for this liturgy to be interactive Fr Dan has created a ZOOM meeting.
To allow everyone to feel connected, each child is invited to collect a candle, rosemary and copy of the liturgy from the school (between 11am-4pm) this Thursday. Please email Nat Wright if you would like to collect a pack for your child/ren ( Alternatively, you can use a family candle and access a copy of the liturgy via SZapp.
Prayer for those who serve
Loving God,
we pray for all those who serve in the Australian Defence Force,
and especially for those soldiers, sailors, airmen and women
serving overseas at this time.
Grant them meaning and purpose in their work,
may they know the support and respect of our nation,
and maintain their compassion, humanity and well-being
when confronted with traumatic tasks.
Watch over them and bring them back safe to us.
Keep their families and relationships strong in times of separation.
This we pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
A few important dates to note for this term are:
Enrolment Period - 27th April - 22nd May 2020
30 Apr Whole School Anzac Liturgy 6.30pm (Zoom)
4 - 8 May Catholic Schools Week
5 May School Board Meeting 6.00pm (Zoom)
10 May Mother's Day
12 May P&F Meeting 6.30pm (Zoom)
24 May Feast Day, Mary Help Of Christians
25 May Sorry Day
27 May Simultaneous Story Time 11.00am
1 June Reconciliation Day - Public Holiday
8 June Queens Birthday - Public Holiday
9 June School Board Meeting 6.00pm (Zoom)
9 June Combined School Board and P&F Meeting 6.30pm (Zoom)
9 June P&F Meeting 7.00pm (zoom)
27 June Semester 1 Reports sent home
2 July End of Term 2
20 July Commencement of Term 3
All Friday afternoon and morning assemblies will be cancelled until further notice.
The following notes have gone home this week and will be sent home via Schoolzine App.
- Fee Letter
Fee letter 21.4.2020.pdf - COVID 19 Condensed Fee Assistance Form
COVID 19 Condensed Fee Assistance Form.pdf - 2020 COVID 19 Request to Defer Payment of School Fees
2020 COVID19 Request to Defer Payment of School Fees.pdf - Letter regarding remote learning recording
Letter regarding remote learning recording term_2.pdf - Term 2 Remote Learning Letter to Parents
Term 2 Remote Learning Letter to Parents.pdf - Letter regarding Microsoft Teams
Letter regarding Microsoft Teams 28th April.pdf
This year marks 75 years since the Victory in the Pacific and the end of the Second World War.
For many in Australia, the end of the war in the Pacific was marked by celebration. For others, it was a day of sombre commemoration and relief. For those who had lost loved ones, the cost was high – almost 40,000 Australians had been killed from about 1 million who had served.
This year also marks the 105th anniversary of the Gallipoli campaign. In the fire of battle, our service personnel forged the ANZAC spirit which endures in the bravery of the Australian Defence Force to this day. In these current trying times, let us summon the spirit of the ANZACs and of all those who have served and are currently serving our nation in times of war, conflicts and peacekeeping operations.
Fr. Dan MGL has kindly offered to celebrate our school’s ANZAC Liturgy via a Zoom Meeting tomorrow evening 30 April at 6:30pm. This, I believe, will be a unique opportunity not only to remember the fallen, but to pray for our school’s Defence families, and to thank them for the sacrifices their family makes for our nation.
God Bless
Linda de Salis
Defence School Mentor
Message from Commonwealth Bank
The health, safety and wellbeing of our communities and our people remains our highest priority. Due to the ongoing uncertainty surrounding coronavirus, the School Banking program will remain on hold. We will continue to monitor the situation and keep you informed with any updates including how we will be managing Dollarmite tokens for students.
In the meantime, here are some handy online resources for parents who wish to maintain momentum with their child’s financial education:
- Start Smart: these resources have been created to improve children’s money management skills, and is aligned to the Australian Curriculum and the National Consumer Financial Literacy Framework.
- The Beanstalk: offers videos and fun activities for children to learn about money.
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
Please let Mrs McRae know at the Front Office if you need something from the Clothing Pool, even if you are unable to make the opening times. Where possible we will always help.
Due to current circumstances all clothes in lost property will be emptied and clothing will be washed and returned to the clothing pool. All other items will be thrown out as charities are not accepting any donations at this time.
Tales from the TUCKSHOP
The Tuckshop will be closed for the foreseeable future. Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We will let you know when it will be re-opening.
Thank you for your understanding.
St Benedict's Parish
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12noon
Phone: 62957879

Parish Team:
Fr Dan Benedetti MGL
Fr Rembert Fernando MGL
Fr Baiju Thomas MGL
Monica Nulley-Valdes (Parish Secretary)
Dear St Benedict’s community,
St Benedict’s Live Stream Masses
Facebook Page: “St Benedict’s Church and Mission Centre Canberra”
Tues, Wed, Thurs 5:30pm
Sat 8am
Sun 10am
Daily Mass from the Archdiocese is available online at .
If you would like to have email updates from St Benedict’s Parish, please contact . Be assured of our prayers for the whole St Benedict’s community at this time. Please keep safe and if anyone would like to contact Father Dan, he is available through the Parish or through the school.
St Benedict, pray for us.
God Bless
Fr Dan Benedetti MGL PP
Parish Priest
St Benedict's Catholic Community Narrabundah ACT
As the ACT Government has just announced that ACT Government Schools will go pupil free from Tuesday 24/03/2020 due to COVID-19, Bellchambers Music School hasfore made the decision not to provide piano lessons at Schools tomorrow in order to allow the classroom teachers optimum time to prepare their class without disruption from music lessons.
We have informed all affected families, and will be in touch with each of them again in the next few days to arrange for the children to have their piano lessons online with their usual teacher and at the same day and time if possible, and their postponed lesson from tomorrow made-up.
This is a time of unprecedented and fast-moving changes any many unknowns for the near future. We at Bellchambers Music School want to assure you that whatever happens, we will be here making music with your school families. Our teachers are committed to providing music lessons to your children.
Depending on the situation with the schools, we will be continuing to offer our school families lessons in Term 2 in the school if they are open, or through the online environment, if they are closed. As with all small businesses, both the admin staff and the teachers at Bellchambers Music School are deeply concerned about the future. We want to be there for you and hope that you will continue to support us as we make music with your students in these very difficult times and into the future.
Many thanks,
Bronwen and Rachel
Bellchambers Music School

Just advising that the opening hours for Savvy Tuggeranong have changed to the following. The below changes to opening times will be taking effect
week commencing 13 April 2020.
Uniform will continue to be available online via and is the preferred method of purchase.
Savvy Tuggeranong current opening hours
Monday to Friday
11am to 4pm
10am to 1pm
Thanking you and stay safe,
Justin Newcombe
ACT/NSW Account Manager
P: 0499 056 234
Shop 37 Homeworld, Soward Way, Tuggeranong ACT 2900