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Dear Parents and Carers,
Thank you to the Parents & Friends Committee
Last night the Parents & Friends Committee held their last meeting for the year. I would like to just offer my sincere thanks once again for the commitment of time and energy to the school by the Parents & Friends Committee for 2019 It has been an excellent year that began with the success of the Meet and Greet night and has ended with the support provided to parents at the Disco this Friday. In between, Parents & Friends have worked with the school to continue to provide those important opportunities for students and families to gather such as the Colour Splash and Dash, Working Bees, Kindergarten Orientation Mornings and Discos. Our school and in particular our parents, rely on an active, engaging and supportive Parents & Friends Committee and I am thankful that we continue to enjoy such a group.
Of particular note I would like to offer my thanks to Dean Dalla Pozza for his time on the Parents & Friends Committee over the many years Teresa has been a part of the school. He has served as Class Representative, P&F Secretary, P&F Vice President, P&F School Board Representative, Garden and Maintenance Committee Member, and our Parents & Friends Committee is in a better position because of his generous spirit.
TV: Keeping Watch!
TV and kids—it’s a combination that’s hard to avoid sometimes! It is also something that can cause concern for many parents and carers. Are you aware of what your child is watching? Walking through the playground and chatting with our students it is very evident that some of our students are watching TV shows and movies that are well beyond their age, with content far too advanced for them. Studies show that kids who watch educational and non-violent children’s shows do better on reading and math tests than children who do not watch these programs. Try to encourage your child to choose educational programs over pure entertainment shows, and to avoid violent shows altogether. TV program classifications can assist you to choose shows that are most suitable for your child, but it can also help to preview programs before your child watches them, or you could try watching them together. You can often watch just the first few minutes of a show to see whether it is educational and appropriate for your child. Another great way to limit TV watching is to keep TVs and internet connections out of bedrooms.
Thank you for your ongoing care and partnership in your child’s learning.
God bless.
Rachel Smith
Library Stocktake
A reminder that all library books must be returned this week for the upcoming Library stock take.
School Disco
Don’t forget the disco is on this Friday 29th November (5.30pm – 8.30pm). The theme for the disco is Colours of the Rainbow. Children can come dressed in their favourite colours of the rainbow. It is not too late to return a note for the disco or order a hamburger. If paying on Qkr you must still return the completed order form so that the school has a record of your order.
Working Bee
This Saturday, 30th November the P&F will be holding a Gardening Working Bee, from 9.00am – 12.00pm. Many hands make light work, so please try to come along and lend a hand.
Summer Holiday Watering Roster
Are you around in the December and January holidays and able to help out with watering the gardens in the courtyard? If the answer is ‘yes’ could you please contact Richard Kingham on with your best contact details and availability over the holiday period. Any help will be greatly appreciated!
The Season of Advent
Advent comes from the Latin word meaning "coming." Jesus is coming, and Advent is intended to be a season of preparation for His arrival. During Advent, we not only prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of Jesus, but we also check in to see if we are doing all the things that will keep us ready to receive Jesus when He comes again. The purple colour associated with Advent is also the colour of penance. The colour of the Third Sunday of Advent is rose. This colour symbolises joy and represents the happiness we will experience when Jesus comes again.
Advent Prayer
God of Love,
Your son, Jesus, is your greatest gift to us.
He is a sign of your love.
Help us walk in that love during the weeks of Advent,
As we wait and prepare for his coming.
We pray in the name of Jesus, our Saviour.
Kindergarten and Year 5/6 Mountain View Liturgy
Last Thursday Kindergarten and Year 5/6 students participated in a Healing Liturgy with Father Dan and the members of our community at the Mountain View Aged Care Centre. Year 5/6 students made each of the residents a special bookmark and Kindergarten gave a lovely bunch of flowers. Our students helped to bless the residents with Fr Dan Everyone, and everyone prayed and sung together. Mountain View residents expressed that they felt so happy and blessed to spend time in prayer with the children.
Mini Vinnies Social Justice Day
Last Friday eight of our Year 4 and 5 students attended the Archdiocesan Mini Vinnies Social Justice Day at the Australian Catholic University. They had a wonderful day networking with Mini Vinnies, Social Justice Leaders, Faith and Mission Leaders, Identity Leaders and students from around the ACT, learning about Vinnies and the good works that they provide to the most vulnerable and disadvantaged members of our society.
Student’s reflection
We had seven stations where we learnt about different things that Vinnie’s does for the homeless and children who need help. There were two kids programs called St Nicks and St Joes where we learnt about young carers and volunteers who take kids experiencing hardship on camp. We learnt about a program called Clemente where volunteers help adults to get an education or qualification. There was also a program called Street to Home where volunteers meet people who are homeless to help them find a temporary home while they are waiting to get affordable housing. We also saw the Night Patrol Van! We didn’t release how many programs there were. We learnt that almost every country has a Vinnies community and multiple programs. We were inspired by the ways in which young people can make a difference. We aspire to be like our very own Ms Wright (2018 ACT Volunteer of the Year) who has been giving lots of time over the years with St. Vincent de Paul to help the less fortunate people in our community. We are looking forward to volunteering with Vinnies and leading our school Mini Vinnies next year!
Parliament House Christmas Carols Performance
Congratulations to our school choir who performed Christmas carols today at Australian Parliament House. They performed beautifully in front of their families, friends, politicians and guests. A special thank you to Jovi van der Kallen and Maria Dalla Pozza for sharing their gift of music with our school and for preparing the students. We are very proud of our school choir and the Christmas joy that they brought to everyone!
Advent Liturgy
Wednesday 4th December 10.15am
Kindergarten and Year 1/2 students will be presenting our school Advent liturgy, focusing on deepening our understanding of the Christian symbols of Christmas amongst all the busyness, presents and tinsel. All students in Kindergarten and Year 1/2 have received a note outlining roles and costumes. We recommend that all families are seated by 10.00am as the configuration of the hall seating will be in a circular formation for this celebration.
Whole School Symbols of Christmas Art Exhibition
In response to our Advent Liturgy, each class will be creating an artwork based on one of the Christmas symbols presented. Families and guests will be invited to walk this art journey on the last day of school after our Christmas Concert. We look forward to sharing this with you!
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Food Donations
Each year our St Benedict’s school community donates non-perishable food to our parish St Vincent de Paul Conference. This food is then made into Christmas hampers that distributed to people in our local community who are experiencing hardship. Parents are encouraged to talk with their children about the joy of giving without the expectation of receiving something in return. Families are welcome to donate as many non-perishable food items as they wish. Please send all non-perishable food donations to your child’s classroom. These will be presented at our Giving Mass this Friday 6th December.
Volunteers Needed
The St Benedict’s Parish Pastoral Council are looking for a team of volunteers to organise, set up and lead the Parish Family Christmas Mass on Christmas Eve (in the school hall). This vibrant family celebration has become a wonderful tradition in our parish. If you are able to assist or would like more information, please contact the Parish Office on (02) 6295 7879.
Community Meals Program
The Community Meals freezer is one way we can assist families whoare experiencing hardship. If you are able to cook a meal, please use disposable containers and label with ingredients and date. All meal donations can be brought to the Front Office. If your family requires temporary meal assistance, you can speak in confidence to any of our staff members.
A few important dates to note for this term are:
29 Nov Disco - 5.30pm to 8.30pm
30 Nov P&F Working Bee - 9am to 12noon
4 Dec Advent Liturgy—Kindergarten, 1/2B and 1/2G - 10.15am
5 Dec Learning Showcase, 2pm
6 Dec Mini Vinnies Giving Mass - 10.00am
10 Dec School Board Meeting, 6.00pm
13 Dec Ways of Being Assembly, 2.30pm
13 Dec Semester 2 Reports sent home
17 Dec Whole School Fun Day
18 Dec End of Year /Graduation Mass, 10.00am
18 Dec Year 6 Graduation Dinner, 6pm
19 Dec Year 6 Revue, 12.00pm
19 Dec Christmas Concert, 12.30pm
19 Dec Last day of Term 4
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
The Clothing Pool will be open each Tuesday and Thursday between 2.50pm to 3.15pm by appointment.
Please let Mrs McRae know at the Front Office if you need something from the Clothing Pool, even if you are unable to make the opening times. Where possible we will always help.
The Lost Property Box is located in the canteen area. Please take some time to go through the box on a weekly basis as the lost property box is continually overflowing.
The end of the year is just around the corner so the Lost Property box will be emptied weekly and all named items will be returned to students via their class note bags. All items without a name will be washed and donated to the Clothing Pool for repurchasing.
Tales from the TUCKSHOP
"If it starts with a T - It's Tuckshop day"
It's starting to warm up for summer and the Tuckshop is doing everything we can to keep the kids cool. Icecreams and drinks are available at recess and lunch from the tuckshop window. Over the next couple of weeks I'll increase the range of icecreams available.
- This week we have had some amazing volunteers preparing some gourmet lasagne that will revival the finest restaurants.
- Have you considered volunteering? You don't have to be a whiz in the kitchen! An hour or 2 on a Tuesday or Thursday between 9.30am and 1.30pm would be really helpful. Parents, partners and grand parents are all welcome. Contact Mrs McRae in the office to find out more.
- Qkr! is available to order your child/ren recess and lunch. This is an easy process that you could do while sitting having breakfast with your children - no brown paper bag required if ordering this way.
Contact me regarding dietary requirements, volunteering, Qkr! instructions or other tuckshop matters.
Dave Noble
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 9.00am

Youth Mass 6.00pm
Charismatic Mass 6.00pm (last Sunday of the Month)
Baptisms: 11.00am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month
Interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more?
Contact Fr Dan at for info about the RCIA program for adults.
Canberra Symphony Orchestra presents family picnic concert on Government House lawns
CSO Shell Prom
Saturday 30 November, 6pm – 8pm Gates open 4.45pm*
Lawns of Government House Dunrossil Drive, Yarralumla
The Canberra Symphony Orchestra presents a program of musical theatre and film favourites for the Shell Prom picnic concert, from My Fair Lady to Frozen. Guest voalists Simon Gleeson and Genevieve Kingsford join the orchestra onstage, under the baton of acclaimed conductor Geoffrey Castles.
An annual favourite on Canberra’s musical calendar, the Shell Prom is an opportunity to enjoy a live orchestra in a relaxed, family friendly environment.
Pack a picnic or grab dinner from the Lions Club sausage sizzle on the night. Bring along a picnic chair or a rug to sit on.
Tickets $20-$30** – book online at or call CSO Direct on 02 6262 6772.
Group and family discounts available.
*Please allow time for bags to be security checked
**Tickets are available at the gate – however, tickets purchased in advance are less expensive. Full season pricing available at
Join us on Mondays at 10am for half an hour of FUN! This is a chance for you and your little one to spend some quality time together while learning simple dance moves, using your imagination and of course using props such as pom poms, fairy wands, and butterfly wings. From the wiggles, to nursery rhymes this half an hour will leave you and your little one with a smile. You can then go home and practice the moves together!
This class is just for the kids however you are welcome to sit at the back and cheer them on! Mondays 4:15pm – 4:45pm half an hour of good energy and learning in a safe environment. Your child will learn basic hip hop and jazz steps and learn a simple routine at the end. This is a great way for kids to learn how to socialise, make friends and of course dance!
P: 0413 338 827
75th Canberra Carols by Candlelight
School families are invited to bring a picnic dinner and join in the 75th Canberra Carols by Candlelight, to be held at Stage 88, Commonwealth Park, on Saturday, December 14 from 7pm.
Organised by the Woden Valley Youth Choir, this event is the second longest-running city community carols in Australia (Melbourne is the longest).
Come and join us for a night of song and celebration. It's a great way to begin the Christmas season.
We'll also be collecting donations for this year's charity.
Find us on Facebook ("75th Carols by Candlelight") for more details.