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Dear Parents and Carers,
At the recent Catholic Education Leadership Day we listened to an address by Dr Neil McGoran, Director of Catholic Education South Australia on ‘Approaches to Catholic Education’. During his talk he discussed how we often ask children and in particular teenagers the question ‘What are you going to do when you grow up?’. Something I know I have often done myself. Dr McGoran believes we need to change the question in order to think about the skills and qualities they will need going into the future. We must look at the future demand skills as parents and educators. Dr McGoran suggested asking the following questions instead; ‘Who are you going to be?’ and ‘What impact are you going to have on life?’ Both questions challenge us to think deeper and with a more open mind.
Following on from the Leadership Day a colleague shared an article written by Joan Chittister, a Benedictine Sister from America and a best-selling author and well-known international lecturer on topics of justice, peace, human rights, women's issues and contemporary spirituality in the church and in society. She presently serves as the co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative of Women, a partner organisation of the United Nations, facilitating a worldwide network of women peace builders, especially in the Middle East. The article challenges us to think about what our legacy is and what we leave behind. I have shared the article below.
What are we leaving behind?
In modern society, to leave a legacy ordinarily means to specify the distribution of property to heirs according to the terms described in a legal document. It’s a relatively rare event for most people to be mentioned in a will.
What we are inclined to forget is that each of us leaves a legacy, whether we mean to, whether we want to or not. Our legacies are the quality of the lives we leave behind.
What are we leaving behind? That is the question that marks the timbre of a lifetime.
We leave behind our attitude toward the world. We are remembered for whether or not we inspired in others a love for life and an openness to all of those who lived it with us. We will be remembered for our smiles and our frowns, for our laughter and for our complaints, for our kindness and for our selfishness.
We leave behind for all the world to see the value system that marks everything we do. People who never asked us directly what we valued in life never doubt for a moment what it was. They know if we cared for the Earth because they watched us as we seeded our flowerbeds – or left the debris from the garage spill over into what could have been a garden. They know what we thought of people of other colours or creeds by the language we used and the lives we connected with. They know the depth of our spiritual life by the way we treated those around us and what we thought of life and what we gave our lives to doing.
We leave behind the memory of the way we treated strangers, how we loved the individuals closest to us, how we cared for those who loved us, how we spoke to them in hard times, how we gave ourselves away to satisfy their needs.
We leave behind, in our very position on life and death, on purpose and meaning, a model of relationship with God. Our own spiritual life is both challenge and support to the spiritual struggles of those around us.
Our legacy is far more than our fiscal worth. Our legacy does not end the day we die. We have added to it every moment of our lives.
- from The Gifft of Years (BlueBridge), by Joan Chittister
Thank you for your ongoing care and partnership in your child’s learning.
God bless.
Rachel Smith
Crazy Camel Christmas Cards
Just a reminder that all orders must be returned by tomorrow, Friday 15th November. All Qkr orders must be registered by 10am Friday morning. Qkr orders will not be able to be processed after this time.
NO orders can be accepted by the school or company after Friday 15th November at 2pm.
Library Stocktake
In the last two weeks of the year Sue Anderson, our Librarian will be conducting a library stocktake.To allow this to happen all library books must be returned by week 7. There will be a prize of a movie and ice block to the class that is the first to have every item returned. Please encourage your children to start looking for those books that have been lost or missing for a long time.
Save the Date - School Disco
On Friday 29th November (5.30pm – 8.30pm) The P&F will be holding a Colours of the Rainbow disco. Children can come dressed in their favourite colours of the rainbow. A note will be going home shortly with more details.
Save the Date – Working Bee
On Saturday 30th November (9.00am – 12.00pm) the P&F will be holding a Gardening Working Bee. Many hands make light work, so please try to come along and lend a hand.
Global Partnership Day
Global Partnership Day was an engaging and eduational expereince for our school community. All students paticipated in a range of activities to help them better understand the lives of the children at our partnership school in Kenya. Students went on a safari, danced, carried water, ate traditional Kenyan food, made soccer balls from plastic bags and explored African patterned artwork. Students also spent time with Simon Carroll, CEO and Founder of Global School Partners, who showed the students traditional Massai clothing and gave us an update of our partnership school, Gesore Prepartory. All students also helped create a whole school artwork of a tree and printed leaves which will be gifted to our friends in Kenya.
Thank you to all families for your generous donations, to our Mini Vinnies team for their planning and organisation, to Mr Noble for his cullinary skills, and to Mr Carroll for sharing his experiences and mission. It was a wonderful day!
Family Parish Mass
Our school community are invited to join the parish this Sunday (17th November) to celebrate a family Mass. We ask that all our school families make a special effort to attend this Parish Mass. The parish choir will be at this Mass and warmly welcome anyone to join in singing. If you are planning to attend this Mass and would like your child (or any family member) to have a formal role such as a reading, bringing forth the offertory or the Gospel procession, please email:
Kindergarten and Year 5/6 Mountain View Liturgy
Next Thursday (21st November), all Year Kindergarten and Year 5/6 students will be participating in a Healing Liturgy with Father Dan and the members of our community at the Mountain View Aged Care Centre. We expect that their presence will bring some Christmas cheer and laughter. We ask that you keep these students in your prayers as they nurture community spirit through their presence and participation in this special prayer celebration.
Volunteers Needed
The St Benedict’s Parish Pastoral Council is looking for a team of volunteers to organise, set up and lead the Parish Family Christmas Mass on Christmas Eve (in the school hall). This vibrant family celebration has become a wonderful tradition in our parish. If you are able to assist or would like more information, please contact the Parish Office. or (02) 6295 7879
Community Meals Program
The Community Meals freezer is one way we can assist families who are experiencing hardship. If you are able to cook a meal, please use disposable containers and label with ingredients and date. All meal donations can be brought to the Front Office. If your family requires temporary meal assistance, you can speak in confidence to any of our staff members.
A few important dates to note for this term are:12 - 14 Nov Book Fair 3.30 - 5.30pm
13 Nov Book Fair - Parents only 8.00 - 9.00am
15 Nov Talent Quest - 12.30pm
17 Nov Parish Mass—Whole School
20 Nov Kinder Orientation 2, 9.00—11.00am
21 Nov Kindergarten & Year 5/6 Mountainview Liturgy
22 Nov Mini Vinnies Social Justice Day
26 Nov Parents & Friends Meeting, 6.30pm
29 Nov Disco
30 Nov P&F Working Bee
4 Dec Advent Liturgy—Kindergarten, 1/2B and 1/2G
5 Dec Learning Showcase, 2pm
6 Dec Mini Vinnies Giving Mass
10 Dec School Board Meeting, 6.00pm
13 Dec Ways of Being Assembly, 2.30pm
13 Dec Semester 2 Reports sent home
17 Dec Whole School Fun Day
18 Dec End of Year /Graduation Mass, 10.00am
18 Dec Year 6 Graduation Dinner, 6pm
19 Dec Year 6 Revue, 12.00pm
19 Dec Christmas Concert, 12.30pm
19 Dec Last day of Term 4
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Our Remembrance Day Liturgy celebrated by Fr. Dan MGL, led by Miss Breena Walshe and her class (1/2 Gold) was very much a family affair. Australian Army AHQ Armoured Asset Manager Scott Gill, and his daughter Rose (5/6 Gold) read the Ode of Remembrance; Royal Australian Navy Petty Officer Andrew Jones, and his son Oliver (3/4 Gold) read “In Flanders Fields” poem; Mrs. Anne Zarb (Ms. Wright’s mother) whose great-grandfather served in WWI & grandfather in WWII, led students, many of whom were siblings, in the laying of the wreath and ‘poppy’ crosses. We were fortunate to have parents join our school community for this special Liturgy. So to, we had four personnel from the Royal Australian Air Force attend. Indigenous Liaison Officer, Flight Lieutenant Grace Casey-Maughan, delivered the Commemorative Address and bugler, Pilot Officer Liam Bone played the Last Post and Rouse. The liturgy provided a meaningful opportunity for us to remember all those who had lost their lives in war and to pray for our school’s Defence families. We will remember them.
God Bless
Linda de Salis
Defence School Mentor
School Fees
Thank you to all the families that have already paid their school fees.
As per the CE Policy all fees must be paid by week 5 of each term, unless you have made other arrangements. All school fees are due Friday 15th November.
If you have not received your school fees or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Belinda in the Front Office.
Book Fair 2019
Just a reminder that the annual Book Fair is this Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November. It will be open each afternoon between 3.30pm and 5.30pm.
This is a wonderful opportunity to get a head start on Christmas shopping while benefitting our library at the same time!
Hope to see you in our Library.
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
The Clothing Pool will be open each Tuesday and Thursday between 2.50pm to 3.15pm by appointment.
Please let Mrs McRae know at the Front Office if you need something from the Clothing Pool, even if you are unable to make the opening times. Where possible we will always help.
The Lost Property Box is located in the canteen area. Please take some time to go through the box on a weekly basis as the lost property box is continually overflowing.
The Lost Property box will be emptied weekly and all named items will be returned to students via their class note bags. All items without a name will be washed and donated to the Clothing Pool for repurchasing.
"If it starts with a T - It's Tuckshop day"
What a great first week in the Tuckshop! The menu has been well received by students and parents and we have just about got everything ticking like clock work.
- A huge thank you to my helpers and volunteers as it's been a big couple of weeks with getting things organised.
- Have you considered volunteering? You don't have to be a whiz in the kitchen! An hour or 2 on a Tuesday or Thursday between 9.30am and 1.30pm would be really helpful. Parents, partners and Grand parents are all Contact Mrs McRae in the office to find out more.
- QKR! Prize draw: This Friday at assembly, I will be announcing a promotion for the Tuckshop with weekly prizes! Download the QKR! app and be ready for details coming soon.
Contact me regarding dietary requirements, volunteering, Qkr! instructions or other tuckshop matters.
Dave Noble
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 9.00am

Youth Mass 6.00pm
Charismatic Mass 6.00pm (last Sunday of the Month)
Baptisms: 11.00am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month
Interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more?
Contact Fr Dan at for info about the RCIA program for adults.
Join us on Mondays at 10am for half an hour of FUN! This is a chance for you and your little one to spend some quality time together while learning simple dance moves, using your imagination and of course using props such as pom poms, fairy wands, and butterfly wings. From the wiggles, to nursery rhymes this half an hour will leave you and your little one with a smile. You can then go home and practice the moves together!
This class is just for the kids however you are welcome to sit at the back and cheer them on! Mondays 4:15pm – 4:45pm half an hour of good energy and learning in a safe environment. Your child will learn basic hip hop and jazz steps and learn a simple routine at the end. This is a great way for kids to learn how to socialise, make friends and of course dance!
P: 0413 338 827
75th Canberra Carols by Candlelight
School families are invited to bring a picnic dinner and join in the 75th Canberra Carols by Candlelight, to be held at Stage 88, Commonwealth Park, on Saturday, December 14 from 7pm.
Organised by the Woden Valley Youth Choir, this event is the second longest-running city community carols in Australia (Melbourne is the longest).
Come and join us for a night of song and celebration. It's a great way to begin the Christmas season.
We'll also be collecting donations for this year's charity.
Find us on Facebook ("75th Carols by Candlelight") for more details.
In January 2020 the Young Music Society will be holding their annual Summer School holiday program. The program goes for 2 weeks. Students have the opportunity to sing, dance, play an instrument and perform. Each day begins at 9am and finishes at 3.30pm. Supervision begins at 8.30am and an after school program is available until 5.30pm. For more information check out