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Dear Parents and Carers,
Parents and carers play an important role in helping children to develop digital intelligence — the social, emotional and practical skills needed to successfully navigate the digital world.
Even for preschool children, it is never too early to instil good habits, and as your child gets older it is useful to keep reminding them of these basic digital intelligence principles: respect, empathy, critical thinking, responsible behaviour and resilience. These are also principles you can emphasise with your child when things go wrong.
How to build digital intelligence
Promote respectful communication
- Encourage your child to use the same positive manners and behaviour they would use offline, understanding that others may have different cultures, backgrounds or points of view. If it is not OK to say or do something face to face, it is not OK online.
- Remind them to avoid responding to negative messages and to tell you or another trusted adult if they receive them. Tell them it is OK to report others who are not being nice.
- Emphasise the positives. For example, ‘I know what a kind and respectful person you are, and it makes me so proud to see you acting the same way when you're online. You are such a great friend — I can see how much everyone looks up to you at school.’
Encourage empathy
- Help your child to imagine being in someone else’s shoes, so they can relate to diverse opinions and understand what might make people behave in different ways.
- For example, you might say something like: ‘I noticed that Sam seemed a bit sad when she came over yesterday. Have you noticed anything? What do you think is wrong? Would that make you sad? What can we do to help?’
Teach them to question
- Encourage your child to think critically about what they see online. Teach them to ask questions so they can identify content or messages that may be misleading or exploitative.
- Talk to them about ‘fake news’, or false information that is designed to look like a trustworthy news report, and how quickly it can spread on social media. Teach them to fact check news sources and do their own independent searches on issues, so they can see the variety of opinions on a particular issue and make up their own mind.
- Remind them to be careful when making new friends online as people may not be who they say they are. We are increasingly seeing ‘Finstas’ (fake Instagram accounts) and other impersonation accounts. So it is important to question whether what they are seeing online from their friends is real or not. If it seems out of character, it could be from a fake account.
- Alert your child to the dangers of meeting someone in person that they have been talking to online. Advise them to never arrange to meet an online friend unless a trusted adult is with them and it is during the day in a public space.
- You may like to refer to the advice on avoiding unwanted contact and grooming on the website.
Encourage safe and responsible behaviour
- Work on achieving a healthy balance in your child’s online and offline activities and set boundaries for digital device use in your home.
- Remind your child of the importance of safeguarding personal information that can be used to identify or locate them.
- Explain why they should be suspicious of unsolicited messages and emails, and avoid clicking on pop-up ads on websites. Some pop-ups that seem safe can lead to inappropriate sites or ask for personal or financial information.
- Help them configure the strongest privacy settings on all the social media apps and sites they use. It is best that only their circle of friends can view their information, tag them in a photo or share posts. And get them to check their settings regularly as updates can sometimes change them back to the default.
- Ensure your child uses strong passwords on devices and accounts, and explain the importance of not sharing passwords, even with friends.
Help them build resilience
- Keep your cool if your child experiences a negative experience online. Remember, the choices they make as they navigate difficult situations can help them learn. Research shows around six in ten young people were able to identify some positive impacts from a negative online experience.
- Remind your child that they can screen who they accept as online ‘friends’.
- Make sure they know how to block and report users or pages on the sites they use.
- If they have a negative online experience, find out how they are feeling about it, offer support and encourage them to keep things in perspective at the same time.
- For example, you might say: ‘What that person has done is not OK. They must be feeling pretty bad about themselves to treat you like this. How are you feeling? Let's block them to stop their messages coming through.’
- Build your child’s confidence and encourage positive ways of thinking — looking on the bright side, thinking rationally, understanding that difficult times are a part of life but there is help and support available.
I am worried my child might be bullying others
If your child is treating others badly, is dismissive of their feelings, is targeting or intentionally excluding a particular child or group, they could be seen as someone who bullies. If they also socialise online there is a chance they may be bullying that person or group online too.
Finding out your child is bullying others can be very painful but you can help them to change, with your guidance and positive engagement.
Here are some strategies to try
- Talk to your child, in a way they can relate to, about how it feels to be left out or teased. Use examples. Build empathy — what it might feel like to be the other person.
- Encourage your child to be honest about their behaviour, take responsibility for it and apologise to those they have bullied. Perhaps show them the page for kids: How do I know if I’m being mean online? on the E Safety website.
- Talk about accepting differences and how to deal with people that annoy them. Give examples from your own life such as working with a difficult colleague.
- Explain there will be consequences for them if they treat others badly — for example, if they are rude they need to apologise and lose access to something they enjoy. Remember to also praise any change for the good so they start afresh.
- Identify activities that make your child feel good about themselves such as membership of a sports club or an art class, where they can be successful and have fun.
- Praise your child’s strengths and any behaviour changes they try to make.
- Practice treating others well at home and let them know when they are being kind.
- Spend one-on-one time with your child such as watching a movie, playing sport together or cooking with them.
- Talk to your child’s school about their academic achievement, learning style and abilities and whether they need additional support.
- Work with the school on ways to develop your child’s social skills.
Thank you for your ongoing care and partnership in your child’s learning.
God bless.
Rachel Smith
Kindergarten Orientation
Today we welcomed a small group of new children to St Benedict’s. They were nervous and excited. Many children who begin school these days have already experienced more than just pre-school. They have often spent time in long day care as well and are quite used to meeting and playing with new children. We’re looking forward to a fun year of learning with our new community members in 2020. Fran Tomadini will be teaching Kindergarten at St Benedict’s next year. Teachers for other classes will be determined shortly.
School Supervision
There are an increasing number of students who arrive at school well before 8:30am – some as early as 8:00am – and they need to sit and wait for the teacher who begins duty at 8:30am. If students are being dropped to school or making their own way, they should not be on site prior to 8:30am. If your work commitments do not allow for a drop off after 8:30am you might like to consider accessing YWCA before school care.
Please also note that students are supervised after school under the trees until 3.30pm. Children that are still at school after this time are then taken to the front office. We understand that parents get held up and run late on the odd occasion and this cannot be helped. Please be advised that going forward those students that are repeatedly picked up after 3.30pm will be taken to YWCA after school care for supervision.
Signing In and Signing Out
A reminder to parents and carers if children are arriving late or departing early from school. All students must be signed in or out by their parent or guardian at the office. It is also important for all volunteers to also sign in and out, this is it cover you incase of an accident.
Volunteers Signing In and Signing Out
All volunteers must have a current WWVP Card, which they must carry on them when working as a volunteer for the school. It is also a requirement that all volunteers sign in and out of the Front Office when volunteering. This is also to cover the volunteer in the case of an accident.
All Saints Day Mass
Thank you to Year 3/4 Gold who lead our school community in celebrating All Saints Day last Friday. It was a lovely occasion to reflect on the Saints and how their stories continue to inspire us and fill our hearts with hope. Thank you also to the families for providing a delicious morning tea.
Global Partnership Day
Tomorrow our school community will be celebrating Global Partnership Day. Students will wear the colours of the Kenyan flag (black, green, red and white) and engage in a number of activities with the purpose of deepening their understanding of the lives of the children in our Global Schools Partner school, Gesore Preparatory. As part of the day, a representative from Global School Partners will be sharing an update of our partner school. We ask that all children make a gold coin donation on Friday which will go directly towards resourcing education materials for the students at Gesore Preparatory.
Thank you to those who have donated plastic bags for this event. We do still need donations of plastic bags. Please send all plastic bag donations to Ms Wright by Friday morning.
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Year 1/2 Gold will be leading our school community in a Remembrance Day liturgy on Monday 11th November 10:30am. This will be a special occasion for our community to gather with grateful hearts to thank all those who gave their lives so that we may live in peace and freedom. The liturgy will be held in the courtyard. All families and friends are welcome to attend.
Family Parish Mass
Our school community is invited to join the parish next Sunday (24th November) to celebrate a family Mass. We ask that all our school families make a special effort to attend this Parish Mass. The parish choir will be at this Mass and warmly welcome anyone to join in singing. If you are planning to attend this Mass and would like your child (or any family member) to have a formal role such as a reading, bringing forth the offertory or the Gospel procession, please email:
Volunteers Needed
The St Benedict’s Parish Pastoral Council is looking for a team of volunteers to organise, set up and lead the Parish Family Christmas Mass on Christmas Eve (in the school hall). This vibrant family celebration has become a wonderful tradition in our parish. If you are able to assist or would like more information, please contact the Parish Office. or (02) 6295 7879
Mini Vinnies need your help!Mini Vinnies have been busy packing hygiene packs for the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol and they are officially out of toiletries. If you have any hotel toiletries or would like to purchase travel toiletries, please donate these to the Hygiene Donation Station in the Front Office hallway. Toiletries which the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol need are: soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, tissues, hand sanitiser, mouth wash, toothpaste, sunscreen, moisturiser, combs, hair brushes, tooth brushes, sanitary products and lip balm.
Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Community Meals Program
The Community Meals freezer is one way we can assist families who are experiencing hardship. If you are able to cook a meal, please use disposable containers and label with ingredients and date. All meal donations can be brought to the Front Office. If your family requires temporary meal assistance, you can speak in confidence to any of our staff members.
A few important dates to note for this term are:8 Nov Global Partnership Day - Uniform Free Day (Gold coin donation)
11 Nov Remembrance Day Liturgy, 10.30am, 1/2 Gold
12 Nov Year 3—6 St Clare’s Drama Performance
12 Nov School Board Meeting, 6.00pm
12 - 14 Nov Book Fair 3.30 - 5.30pm
13 Nov Book Fair - Parents only 8.00 - 9.00am
15 Nov Talent Quest
17 Nov Parish Mass—Whole School
20 Nov Kinder Orientation 2, 9.00—11.00am
21 Nov Kindergarten & Year 5/6 Mountainview Liturgy
22 Nov Mini Vinnies Social Justice Day
24 Nov Family Mass - 9am (All Welcome)
26 Nov Parents & Friends Meeting, 6.30pm
29 Nov Disco
30 Nov P&F Working Bee
4 Dec Advent Liturgy—Kindergarten, 1/2B and 1/2G
5 Dec Learning Showcase, 2pm
6 Dec Mini Vinnies Giving Mass
10 Dec School Board Meeting, 6.00pm
13 Dec Ways of Being Assembly, 2.30pm
13 Dec Semester 2 Reports sent home
17 Dec Whole School Fun Day
18 Dec End of Year /Graduation Mass, 10.00am
18 Dec Year 6 Graduation Dinner, 6pm
19 Dec Year 6 Revue, 12.00pm
19 Dec Christmas Concert, 12.30pm
19 Dec Last day of Term 4
Book Fair 2019
Just a reminder that the annual Book Fair is next Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November. It will be open each afternoon between 3.30pm and 5.30pm with a special 'parents only' opening on Wednesday morning from 8.00am to 9.00am. This is a wonderful opportunity to get a head start on Christmas shopping while benefitting our library at the same time!
Hope to see you in our Library.
**** Save the Date ****
Our school’s Remembrance Day Liturgy is on Monday, 11th November at 10:30am.
1/2 Gold (Miss Walshe class) will be preparing the liturgy.
Please join us in remembering all those who have died or suffered for Australia's cause, in all wars and armed conflicts, and to support the Defence families at St. Benedict’s.
God bless
Linda de Salis
Defence School Mentor
Today, some representatives from the Canberra College of Piping and Drumming will be visiting students in Years 3-6. We are currently seeking expressions of interest from students who will be in Years 3-6 in 2020 and who would like to be involved in a pipes and drums band. More details will follow. Watch this space. Feel free to check out their website to get an idea of some of the things they do.
School Fees
Thank you to all the families that have already paid their school fees.
As per the CE Policy all fees must be paid by week 5 of each term, unless you have made other arrangements. All school fees are due Friday 15th November.
If you have not received your school fees or have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Belinda in the Front Office.
Congratulations to Lucia M who took part in the QL2 2019 “Chaos” project, creating and rehearsing over the school holidays and performing in Week1, Term 4. The theme this year was “Power”. The dancers explored what power is, including physical power, super heros, power of authority and the power within us. Over 3 days they performed 6 concerts to various schools, family and friends. It was a wonderful experience for Lucia and an amazing display of the power of dance.
"If it starts with a T - It's Tuckshop day"
What a great first week in the Tuckshop! The menu has been well received by students and parents and we have just about got everything ticking like clock work.
- A huge thank you to my helpers and volunteers as it's been a big couple of weeks with getting things organised.
- Have you considered volunteering? You don't have to be a whiz in the kitchen! An hour or 2 on a Tuesday or Thursday between 9.30am and 1.30pm would be really helpful. Parents, partners and Grand parents are all Contact Mrs McRae in the office to find out more.
- QKR! Prize draw: This Friday at assembly, I will be announcing a promotion for the Tuckshop with weekly prizes! Download the QKR! app and be ready for details coming soon.
Contact me regarding dietary requirements, volunteering, Qkr! instructions or other tuckshop matters.
Dave Noble
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
The Clothing Pool will be open each Tuesday and Thursday between 2.50pm to 3.15pm by appointment.
Please let Mrs McRae know at the Front Office if you need something from the Clothing Pool, even if you are unable to make the opening times. Where possible we will always help.
The Lost Property Box is located in the canteen area. Please take some time to go through the box on a weekly basis as the lost property box is continually overflowing.
The Lost Property box will be emptied weekly and all named items will be returned to students via their class note bags. All items without a name will be washed and donated to the Clothing Pool for repurchasing.
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 9.00am

Youth Mass 6.00pm
Charismatic Mass 6.00pm (last Sunday of the Month)
Baptisms: 11.00am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month
Interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more?
Contact Fr Dan at for info about the RCIA program for adults.
Join us on Mondays at 10am for half an hour of FUN! This is a chance for you and your little one to spend some quality time together while learning simple dance moves, using your imagination and of course using props such as pom poms, fairy wands, and butterfly wings. From the wiggles, to nursery rhymes this half an hour will leave you and your little one with a smile. You can then go home and practice the moves together!
This class is just for the kids however you are welcome to sit at the back and cheer them on! Mondays 4:15pm – 4:45pm half an hour of good energy and learning in a safe environment. Your child will learn basic hip hop and jazz steps and learn a simple routine at the end. This is a great way for kids to learn how to socialise, make friends and of course dance!
P: 0413 338 827
St Thomas the Apostle School & Parish Fete - Proudly Brought to you by Jupiter Kitchens & MEJ
37-39 Boddington Cres, KAMBAH ACT 2902
Saturday 9th November 2019, 10am - 2:30pm
There will be so much to see & do,.
Stalls – Side Show Alley, Show Bags, Cakes, Trash 'n' Treasure, Craft Stall, Plant Stall, Books, & Used Clothing.
Rides - Dodgem Cars, Giant Slide, Supa Cha Cha, Jumping Castles
Great food - BBQ, Vietnamese, Tongan Food, Devonshire Tea & Coffee Stand.
Prizes – Tombola, Chocolate wheel, Money Tree.
Pick-a-Prize - $10 gives you 20 chances to win Prizes incl. Jamala Lodge Stay, iPad, $500 Gift Card & more. Tix’s available for presale.
Entertainment - Bands, School choir.
Face Painting & Tattoos & much, much more.
There is lots to see, do and buy. Come along & share the fun.
75th Canberra Carols by Candlelight
School families are invited to bring a picnic dinner and join in the 75th Canberra Carols by Candlelight, to be held at Stage 88, Commonwealth Park, on Saturday, December 14 from 7pm.
Organised by the Woden Valley Youth Choir, this event is the second longest-running city community carols in Australia (Melbourne is the longest).
Come and join us for a night of song and celebration. It's a great way to begin the Christmas season.
We'll also be collecting donations for this year's charity.
Find us on Facebook ("75th Carols by Candlelight") for more details.
Term 4-2019 Aussie Hoops Queanbeyan
Learn to play Basketball…
Commences: 1st November 2019
Days: Fridays
Times: 5-6pm (new time)
Ages: 4-12yrs
@ Queanbeyan Basketball Stadium
Cost: $100 includes Reversible singlet ,water bottle, basketball and 7 week sessions
Register at:
In January 2020 the Young Music Society will be holding their annual Summer School holiday program. The program goes for 2 weeks. Students have the opportunity to sing, dance, play an instrument and perform. Each day begins at 9am and finishes at 3.30pm. Supervision begins at 8.30am and an after school program is available until 5.30pm. For more information check out