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Dear Parents and Carers,
There has been a lot of talk in the media over the last few weeks about the importance of not only getting enough sleep as adults, but ensuring it is quality sleep as well. Our children are no different. Sleep is a very important part of your child’s mental and physical health because it allows your child’s mind and body to rest and recover. There are many things you can do to help your child or teen get good quality sleep as often as possible.
Benefits of sleep for mental health
Your child’s brain needs sleep to restore resources that were used up during the day. A well-rested brain can solve problems, learn new information and enjoy the day a lot more than a tired brain. Some areas of your child’s brain are even more active while they sleep.
Children who consistently get a good night’s sleep:
- are more creative
- can concentrate on tasks for longer
- have better problem-solving abilities
- are better able to make positive decisions
- are more able to learn and remember new things
- have more energy during the day
- can create and maintain good relations with others.
What are the signs and symptoms of lack of sleep?
Not getting enough sleep each night can have negative consequences for your child. These cannot always be erased with extra sleep the next night. Over time, not getting enough quality sleep each night can produce a range of behavioural, cognitive (mental) and emotional symptoms.
Physical symptoms
- Finding it difficult to wake up in the morning
- Falling asleep after being woken up and needs you to wake them again or repeatedly
- Yawning frequently during the day
- Complaining of feeling tired or wanting to nap during the day
- Preferring to lie down during the day, even if it means missing activities with friends or family
- Falling asleep or seeming drowsy at school or at home
- Wanting to consume unhealthy stimulants, such as caffeine or sugar, regularly
- Reduced immune system function, so they may be sick more often
Cognitive (mental) symptoms
- Lacking interest, motivation and attention for everyday tasks
- Increased forgetfulness
- Blurred vision
- Difficulty learning new information
Emotional symptoms
- Increased moodiness and irritability
- Increased impulsivity
- Increased stress throughout the day
When your child owes their mind and body sleep, this is called sleep debt. A large sleep debt (not getting enough sleep for many nights in a row) can result in your child feeling mentally exhausted. It can also worsen the symptoms of any existing behaviour, anxiety and mood disorders such as depression.
How much sleep does my child need?
Your child’s circadian rhythm (also called their “body clock”) is a 24-hour cycle that tells your child’s body when to sleep. The body clock is influenced by your child’s age; children need less sleep as they get older.
Here is a general guide to the amount of sleep young children need over a 24-hour period, including naps.
Age |
Recommended amount of sleep |
Newborns (0 to 2 months) |
16 to 18 hours (3 to 4 hours at a time) |
Babies (2 months to 6 months) |
14 to 16 hours |
Older babies (6 months to 1 year) |
14 hours |
Toddlers (1 to 3 years) |
10 to 13 hours |
Pre-schoolers (3 to 5 years) |
10 to 12 hours |
School-aged children (5 to 10 years) |
10 to 12 hours |
6 to 13 years |
9 to 11 hours |
14 to 18 years |
8 to 10 hours |
The recommended amount of sleep is simply a guideline, as each child is different. In addition, sometimes your child might need a little more sleep than what is recommended and other times they may feel fine with a little less. Talk to your child and adjust their sleep schedule to find out how much sleep per night works best.
God bless.
Rachel Smith
Approaching and Contacting Other Children and Parents
Parents are reminded that it is never appropriate to approach or contact other children to confront them about issues between your child and the other student. Imagine how you would feel if another parent or carer approached your child and spoke to them. It is inevitable that there are social conflicts, misunderstandings, and unkind actions. At St Benedict’s we encourage students to develop skills that will assist them to deal with social situations, with teachers offering assistance and support. If you are concerned about a social issue regarding your child and another child I encourage you to contact the school rather than taking matters into your own hands and contacting the parents directly.
School Supervision
There are an increasing number of students who arrive at school well before 8:30am – some as early as 8:00am – and then need to sit and wait for the teacher who begins duty at 8:30am. If students are being dropped to school or making their own way they should not be on site prior to 8:30am. If your work commitments do not allow for a drop off after 8:30am you might like to consider accessing YWCA before school care.
Please also note that students are supervised after school under the trees until 3.30pm. Children that are still at school after this time are then taken to the front office. We understand that parents get held up and run late on the odd occasion and this cannot be helped. Please be advised that going forward those students that are repeatedly picked up after 3.30pm will be taken to YWCA after school care for supervision. YWCA will charge parents for this supervision.
Summer Uniform
As we return to summer uniform I feel it is timely to remind our students and families about our school uniform policy. Below is an excerpt from the policy regarding student appearance. Please read through it and discuss it with your child.
Student Appearance
- All aspects of student's appearance are gender inclusive i.e. apply to both girls and boys.
- Student’s hair should be clean and neat; fashionable extremes are not permitted. Shoulder length hair or longer must be tied back. Only natural, all-over hair colour is acceptable. The Principal or Assistant Principal will contact parents if other hair styles are of concern.
- Accessories are to match school colours (maroon, navy blue, yellow and white).
- No jewellery may be worn other than small, plain (silver or gold, no colour) ear studs, a watch or medical alert identification. Only one stud per ear (i.e. earlobe)
- Nail polish and make-up in any form are not part of the school uniform.
- Students out of uniform are required to bring a note from home on the day.
- If a student is out of uniform, parents may be contacted and requested to give a commitment to resolve the problem.
All Saints Day Mass
This Friday (1st November 10am) Year 3/4 Gold will be leading our school community in celebrating All Saints Day. All Saints' Day is a solemn holy day of the Catholic Church that is dedicated to the saints of the Church. Families are warmly invited to join us for this liturgical celebration. Morning tea will be provided by the families of students in Years 3/4 Gold. Parents are invited to stay after Mass for morning tea and a chat in the Library. Parents of the hosting class are welcome to bring their child along to the morning tea.
Global Partnership Day
On Friday,Week 4 (8th November) our school community will be celebrating Global Partnership Day. Our Mini Vinnies are busy planning activities to help deepen our understanding of the lives of the children in our Global Schools Partner school in Kenya, Gesore Preparatory. In preparation for this event we need donations of plastic bags. Please send all plastic bag donations to Ms Wright. More information about Global Partnership Day will be sent home shortly.
Remembrance Day Liturgy
Year 1/2 Gold will be leading our school community in a Remembrance Day liturgy on Monday 11th November 10:30am. In preparation for this liturgy we welcome any of our families who are involved in the Australian Defence Force who would like to assist with the liturgy to please email
Breena Walshe: or
Linda de Salis:
Volunteers Needed
The St Benedict’s Parish Pastoral Council are looking for a team of volunteers to organise, set up and lead the Parish Family Christmas Mass on Christmas Eve (in the school hall). This vibrant family celebration has become a wonderful tradition in our parish. If you are able to assist or would like more information, please contact the Parish Office.
(02) 6295 7879
Mini Vinnies need your help!
Mini Vinnies have been busy packing hygiene packs for the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol and they are officially out of toiletries. If you have any hotel toiletries or would like purchase travel toiletries please donate these to the Hygiene Donation Station in the Front Office hallway. Toiletries that the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol needs are: soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, tissues, hand sanitiser, mouth wash, toothpaste, sunscreen, moisturiser, combs, hair brushes, tooth brushes, sanitary products and lip balm.
Your donations are greatly appreciated!
Community Meals Program
The Community Meals freezer is one way we can assist families who are experiencing hardship. If you are able to cook a meal, please use disposable containers and label with ingredients and date. All meal donations can be brought to the Front Office. If your family requires temporary meal assistance, you can speak in confidence to any of our staff members.
A few important dates to note for this term are:1 Nov Feast of All Saints
1 Nov First Friday Mass, 10.00am, Year 3/4 Gold
2 Nov Feast of All Souls
6 Nov Kinder Orientation 1, 9.00—11.00am
8 Nov Global Partnership Day
11 Nov Remembrance Day Liturgy, 10.30am, 1/2 Gold
12 Nov Year 3—6 St Clare’s Drama Performance
12 Nov School Board Meeting, 6.00pm
12 - 14 Nov Book Fair 3.30 - 5.30pm
13 Nov Book Fair - Parents only 8.00 - 9.00am
15 Nov Talent Quest
17 Nov Parish Mass—Whole School
20 Nov Kinder Orientation 2, 9.00—11.00am
21 Nov Kindergarten & Year 5/6 Mountainview Liturgy
22 Nov Mini Vinnies Social Justice Day
26 Nov Parents & Friends Meeting, 6.30pm
4 Dec Advent Liturgy—Kindergarten, 1/2B and 1/2G
5 Dec Learning Showcase, 2pm
6 Dec Mini Vinnies Giving Mass
10 Dec School Board Meeting, 6.00pm
13 Dec Ways of Being Assembly, 2.30pm
13 Dec Semester 2 Reports sent home
17 Dec Whole School Fun Day
18 Dec End of Year /Graduation Mass, 10.00am
18 Dec Year 6 Graduation Dinner, 6pm
19 Dec Year 6 Revue, 12.00pm
19 Dec Christmas Concert, 12.30pm
19 Dec Last day of Term 4
Book Fair 2019
We will be holding our annual Book Fair in Week 5 this term, Tuesday 12th, Wednesday 13th and Thursday 14th November. It will be open each afternoon between 3.30pm and 5.30pm with a special 'parent's only' opening on Wednesday morning from 8.00am to 9.00am. This is a wonderful opportunity to get a head start on Christmas shopping while benefitting our library at the sametime!
Hope to see you in our Library.

**** Save the Date ****
Our school’s Remembrance Day Liturgy is on Monday, 11th November at 10:30am.
1/2 Gold (Miss Walshe class) will be preparing the liturgy.
Please join us in remembering all those who have died or suffered for Australia's cause, in all wars and armed conflicts, and to support the Defence families at St. Benedict’s.
God bless
Linda de Salis
Defence School Mentor
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
The Clothing Pool will be open each Tuesday and Thursday between 2.50pm to 3.15pm by appointment.
Please let Mrs McRae know at the Front Office if you need something from the Clothing Pool, even if you are unable to make the opening times. Where possible we will always help.
The Lost Property Box is located in the canteen area. Please take some time to go through the box on a weekly basis as the lost property box is continually overflowing.
The Lost Property box will be emptied weekly and all named items will be returned to students via their class note bags. All items without a name will be washed and donated to the Clothing Pool for repurchasing.
Tales from the TUCKSHOP
"If it starts with a T - It's Tuckshop day"
What a great first week in the Tuckshop! The menu has been well received by students and
parents and we have just about got everything ticking like clock work.
● A huge thank you to my helpers and volunteers so far. It's been a big first week of
getting things organised.
● Have you considered volunteering? You don't have to be a whiz in the kitchen! An
hour or 2 on a Tuesday or Thursday between 9.30 and 1.30pm would be really helpful.
Parents, partners and Grand parents are all welcome. Contact Mrs McRae in the office
to find out more.
● QKR! Prize draw: This Friday at assembly, I will be announcing a promotion for the
Tuckshop with weekly prizes! Download the QKR! app and be ready for details coming
Contact me regarding dietary requirements, volunteering, Qkr! instructions or other tuckshop
Dave Noble
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 9.00am

Youth Mass 6.00pm
Charismatic Mass 6.00pm (last Sunday of the Month)
Baptisms: 11.00am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month
Interested in becoming a Catholic or learning more?
Contact Fr Dan at for info about the RCIA program for adults.
St Thomas the Apostle School & Parish Fete - Proudly Brought to you by Jupiter Kitchens & MEJ
37-39 Boddington Cres, KAMBAH ACT 2902
Saturday 9th November 2019, 10am - 2:30pm
There will be so much to see & do,.
Stalls – Side Show Alley, Show Bags, Cakes, Trash 'n' Treasure, Craft Stall, Plant Stall, Books, & Used Clothing.
Rides - Dodgem Cars, Giant Slide, Supa Cha Cha, Jumping Castles
Great food - BBQ, Vietnamese, Tongan Food, Devonshire Tea & Coffee Stand.
Prizes – Tombola, Chocolate wheel, Money Tree.
Pick-a-Prize - $10 gives you 20 chances to win Prizes incl. Jamala Lodge Stay, iPad, $500 Gift Card & more. Tix’s available for presale.
Entertainment - Bands, School choir.
Face Painting & Tattoos & much, much more.
There is lots to see, do and buy. Come along & share the fun.
After-School & Weekend Tennis Coaching by Tennis Canberra
We invite new and retuning players to join a weekly tennis junior program at a Tennis Canberra Club. A free trial is available for players who are new to the game or if you are returning after a break from the sport.
To request a trial session please email your kid/s age, experience and which part of Canberra you want to play. We will get back to you with the best options available.
Sign up:
Phone: 0416 186 121