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Dear Parents and Carers,
It’s increasingly common for children to have social media accounts, even in Primary School, so learning how to use these responsibly is an important skill they need to develop.
Social media is a pretty broad term that refers to websites and applications that enable people to create and share content, or participate in social networking. The big ones such as Facebook and Instagram are widely known, but did you realise that many children have social media accounts associated with online games, or online learning communities? If your child has a username and can post comments or chat online, they have a social media account.
Online gaming sites and learning communities are common places for children to have social media accounts. It’s easy to set these up, so make sure you know what your child is using your computer for, and that they check with you before filling out a form that asks for a name or username. Check the privacy policy of the site together and talk about what it means. If you decide to let your child create an account, teach them the basics of choosing safe usernames and passwords and keeping them secure; and set up the privacy settings together.
Through the use of Google Classrooms in our Year 3 to 6 classes we have created a secure online learning community that enables students to interact with each other and their teachers to discuss topics, work collaboratively and submit assignments. This can be a good way for them to learn the techniques and etiquette of social media, and how to use it responsibly; and to become aware of online issues such as bullying and scams.
When your child wants to set up a social networking account on one of the main public platforms, it important to remember that many have age restrictions, so make sure the platform your child wants to sign up to is appropriate for their age. For example did you know that Fortnite, the online battle game that a lot of our students are talking about and accessing at the moment, is not recommended for children under the age of 12 years?
It is worth visiting the Office of the Children’s eSafety Commissioner Website at the following link to get the latest expert advice on how to keep safe online, and make sure you discuss it with your child.
If you are wondering whether you should be their online ‘friend’, the short answer is yes. However this may be difficult with platforms such as game or special interest forums that you may not have an active involvement in. By being your child’s online friend, you can see what your child is posting and give them guidance if needed.
Thank you for your ongoing care and partnership in your child’s learning.
God bless.
Rachel Smith
After School Pick Up
Just a reminder that all children are to remain seated at their designated tree each afternoon after school whilst they wait to be picked up. No child is to be running around or playing on the equipment at this time. Please ensure that when picking up your child you come into the school grounds to do so. Could you please ensure that all people who pick up your children are aware of this rule? Thank you for your support with this.
Learning Showcase
Next Thursday, 27th June between 2pm and 4pm we will have the second of our Learning Showcases for the year. The Learning Showcases provide an opportunity for you to visit your child’s classroom and look at the great work they have been doing. It will also provide you with the opportunity to sit with your child and revisit the goals they set at the end of last term and work towards setting new goals for Term 3. It is also the perfect time to remember that your child thrives on praise from you. When you recognise the effort your child has put into their school work it boosts their self-confidence, which can result in better academic performance.
NAIDOC Dance Performance
Over the last two weeks the students have been participating in Aboriginal Dance Workshops with a specialist teacher. The students will be performing these dances at a special presentation on Thursday 4th July at 9.40am. We would love it if you were able to attend.
Year 6 Graduation and End of Year Mass
Year 6 Graduation and dinner will take place on Wednesday 18th December. The school end of year mass will also take place on this date. You may like to add both dates to your calendars.
Leaving St Benedict’s
If you anticipate that your child will leave St Benedict’s at the end of this year, could you please notify the Front Office where they a heading to. We need to begin planning for staffing and class configurations for 2020. Thank you to those who have let us know already, this is very much appreciated. Naturally Year 6 parents need not respond to this request.
This Sunday, on the feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, four of our students through the waters of Baptism, will be welcomed into the Catholic Church community and reborn as children of God. Also 18 of our Year 3 students, through the Sacrament of First Holy Communion, will share in the meal through which Jesus gives Himself to us so that we may go out into the world and share His love with others. As a school community we pray for these students and their families. All are welcome to attend this significant celebration Sunday 23rd June 9.00am. Sacrament canidates will need to arrive at 8.30am to meet their teachers in the Parish Centre.
May you always know the peace of Jesus,
the light of His love,
and the joy of His life within you.
Due to unforeseen circumstances, the date for the Confirmation Retreat has been changed. The Confirmation Retreat will now be held on Saturday 17th August NOT 24th August. Thank you.
Event |
Date & time |
Venue |
Participants |
Confirmation Retreat, afternoon tea, followed by Vigil Mass |
Saturday 17th August 3.30-7pm |
St Benedict’s Parish Centre and Church |
Candidates and at least one parent/carer |
Mountian ViewOn Thursday 20th June, all Year 1/2 students will be participating in a Healing Liturgy with Father Dan and the members of our community at the Mountain View Aged Care Centre. We ask that you keep these students in your prayers as they nuture community spirit through their presence and participation in this special prayer celebration.
St Vincent de Paul School Sleepout
We have 20 students in Years 4-6 who will be participating in our school St Vincent de Paul Sleep Out. We are very proud of these students! Please keep these students in your prayers as they prepare to undertake this challenging experience. If you would like to sponsor them please contact Nat Wright
WANTED: Medium and Large Cardboard Boxes
At the Sleep Out students will be require cardboard boxes. If you have any unwanted medium and/or large cardboard boxes please bring them into the Front Office. Thank you.
Mini Vinnies Winter Woolies Day
Our Mini Vinnies are beginning to organise our annual Winter Woollies Day (whole school event) which will be held Friday 28th June to raise awareness about the issue of homelessness in Canberra as well as donations for the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol Van. Over the next two weeks, all classes will be discussing the issue of homelessness in our Canberra community. Please take the time to also have these discussions at home. The main understanding we want our students to have is that we are working as a school to protect the human dignity of the vulnerable in our community. In preparation for the day, we ask that all families begin collecting adult size winter clothing, as well as blankets and sleeping bags. Donations can be second-hand or new. Please store these at home until Winter Woollies Day, as we do not have the capacity to store these at school.
For more information about the Canberra Night Patrol Van, please visit
Families who wish to make a money donation might consider purchasing an incredible ‘Backpack Bed’- Backpack with storage that rolls out into an all-weather protected bed. These are an extremely ‘precious’ item that is handed out from the Night Patrol Van to those who are ‘sleeping rough’. For more information able this wonderful product that provides thousands of people with a dignified sleep across Australia please visit:
Community Meals Program
The Community Meals freezer is one way we can assist families who are experiencing hardship. If you are able to cook a meal, please use disposable containers and label with ingredients and date. All meal donations can be brought to the Front Office. If your family requires temporary meal assistance, you can speak in confidence to any of our staff members.
20 Jun Year 1/2 Mountain View visit
23 Jun First Holy Communion, 9.00am
27 Jun Learning Showcase, 2.00pm
28 Jun Semester reports sent home
28 Jun Winter Woollies Day - Unifrom Free Day
28 Jun St Vincent de Paul School Sleepout
1 Jul Parent—Teacher Interviews (Optional)
2 Jul Parent—Teacher Interviews (Optional)
4 Jul Naidoc Dance - 9.40am - All welcome
5 Jul St Benedict’s Feast Day Mass, 10.00am
5 Jul Term 2 concludes
The Mid year Festival is just under 2 weeks away and it is not too late for your students to enrol!!
Links to the program information, and advice about what programs have vacancies, are below.
Kinder - both programs still available
Year 1-2 programs : D1 P3 is full; all others available
Year 3 and 4 programs P3 on both days unavailable. Places available in all other programs at this stage
Year 5 - 7 programs - P2 on both days unavailable.Places available in all other programs at this stage
This is a direct PARENT ENROLLED program.
Teachers do not need to nominate children via their online school account.
ICAS is an independent, skills-based assessment program which recognises and rewards student achievement. ICAS provides a suite of academic assessments for primary (Years 3-6) and secondary school students but this testing is optional. These tests do not assess recall of curriculum content, but rather assess the higher order thinking and problem solving skills needed for success in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling and Digital Technologies.
This year the tests are being conducted in online according to the following testing schedule. If you would like your child to participate in any of these tests, please return the accompanying note and payment by Monday 24th June.
Subject |
Sitting Dates |
ICAS Digital Technologies |
Tuesday 3 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS Science |
Thursday 5 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS Writing |
Tuesday 10 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS Spelling Bee |
Thursday 12 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS English |
Tuesday 17 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS Mathematics |
Thursday 19 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
I would like my child/ren ________________________ in class/es ______________ to participate in the nominated ICAS tests. I have included the required payment for each of these tests.
(please mark)
Digital Technologies $14.40 Tuesday 3rd September
Science $14.40 Thursday 5th September
Writing $14.40 Tuesday 10th September
Spelling $14.40 Thursday 12th September
English $14.40 Tuesday 17th September
Mathematics $14.40 Thursday 19th September
Total money included: $ ________________ Signed: __________________________
Year 5/6 Excursion to the Jerrabomberra Wetlands
As part of our environmental/integrated studies about water catchments and the water cycle, we went to Jerrabomberra Wetlands. When we got there we went for a walk. On the walk we had a stop at a log where lots of baby huntsman spiders live. Some of us even got to hold them! We also got to meet Tucker the turtle. We went into a hut and split into groups. We each got a big sample of water from the lake, and used droppers to get out little creatures. We put them into little tiny bowls and observed them. This told us about the water quality of the lake. When we were finished, we went for another walk and stopped at three places along the way. We drew what we saw and labelled our diagrams. We had lots of fun, and best of all… everybody learnt a lot about water catchments and the cycle of water!
By Environmental Leaders! :)
Year 3/4 Blue: Santino E
Year 3/4 Gold: Grace R and Alec C
Year 5/6 Blue: Sarah D
Entertainment Book
This term we will be selling the new 2019-2020 Entertainment Book Membership for $60. You will receive hundreds of valuable offers for shopping, dining and accommodation. $12 of every membership sold will go towards our school. A sample copy is available for viewing at the Front Office.
Please make sure you buy a book through St Benedict’s School, and tell your family and friends about it too!
Entertainment Book using the link: Then pickup your book from Belinda at the Front Office.
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
The Clothing Pool will be open each Tuesday and Thursday between 2.50pm to 3.15pm by appointment.
Please let Mrs McRae know at the Front Office if you need something from the Clothing Pool, even if you are unable to make the opening times. Where possible we will always help.
The Lost Property Box is located in the canteen area. Please take some time to go through the box on a weekly basis as the lost property box is overflowing with jumpers and jackets. These are going to be essential items of your child/rens uniform as the days get colder.
Extra Lost Items
There are a number of personal items that have been handed into the office during the term. If you are missing any jewellery or accessories please call in and see Mrs McRae at the Front Office.
Hello everyone,
Thank you for the number of orders for the tuck day on Tuesday. I do hope the children enjoyed their little pizzas, garlic bread and drinks. It was a very successful day.
Just a little note about the tuckshop/canteen menu. A large proportion of the food sold through the canteen is made on site. This affords me with flexibility with ingredients, where I endeavour to ensure all students are catered for with respect to any dietary requirements. If your child has a dietary requirement, please refer to the canteen menu which I have updated to include information regarding Gluten Free (GF) or Lactose Free (LF). Much of the menu can be altered to accommodate these requirements. Therefore if your child has been unsure if they can have any food from the menu, I can assure you, some items can be changed. I believe food is a wonderful opportunity for children to share common ground amongst their friends. It can also be divisive for many reasons, including dietary requirements.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
I endeavour to ensure the prices are kept to $2 and below per item.
Please remember counter sales only occur at Recess time and lunch orders must be ordered in classroom tubs first up of a morning.
As most of the food is made fresh in the canteen volunteers are needed for the peak times for this to continue. If you have any spare time, please consider dropping in and helping as volunteers are always welcome. No amount of time is too small.
FRIDAY 21st June
9am to 11.30am - Helpers Required - Over counter sales only
11.30am to 2pm - Helpers Required
TUESDAY 25th June
9am to 11.30am - Helpers Required - Over counter sales only
11.30am to 2pm - Helpers Required
If you would like to touch base about volunteering please either drop in or contact me on
Yours in tongs,
Cara Cook, Canteen Manager
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 9.00am

Youth Mass 6.00pm
Charismatic Mass 6.00pm (last Sunday of the Month)
Baptisms: 11.00am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month