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Dear Parents and Carers,
Parents and educators from other schools often ask why we have both a School Board and P&F Association, and why we have not moved to a Community Council model. The first answer I often give is that whilst we still have enough parents eager to put their hand up and be involved we will keep going with this model, but the deeper answer is that both parent groups fulfill different roles and are both vital to the running of the school.
The School Board is made up of elected parents and staff members. They take a keen interest in forward planning for the whole of the St Benedict's community. The role of the School Board is to support the mission of Catholic Education at St Benedict's, in accordance with the Code of Canon Law, Archdiocesan directives and guidelines and polices of the Catholic Education Commission and Catholic Education.
The School Board has a decision making role in certain policy areas and an advisory role in others. The policies of the school are always set within the wider mission of Catholic education. In the areas where it has responsibility for the development and monitoring of policy, the School Board operates within the policy and procedures determined by the Catholic Education Commission and Catholic Education. It provides particular support in the development of the Catholic ethos, pastoral care, financial matters, strategic planning and the promotion of the school in the local community. The School Board has responsibility to consult with the P&F on the expenditure of levies or funds in keeping with Archdiocesan regulations.
The Parents & Friends Association (P&F) has a major role to play as a parent forum, in developing the community of parents, students and staff, and in fundraising. All parents are welcome to attend any meeting of the P&F and Executive members are elected from the parent community. The P&F works closely with the Principal and staff to provide input on parent priorities, support the School Board, provide social interaction for parents to develop supportive networks and raise money for school resources. A Committee, consisting of a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer, governs the Association. Annual General Meetings are held at the beginning of each school year to elect the Executive.
All members of the School Board and P&F are approachable should you have any questions about their role or the school. They are also your representatives so please feel free to chat with them should you like to raise any concerns or issues you may have.
Thank you for your ongoing care and partnership in your child’s learning.
Communication Guidelines for Staff
At the beginning of this year the School Executive created a set of communication guidelines to support staff at this time of technological availability. We wanted to provide staff with a set of school guidelines which uphold professional integrity and encourage and maintain open and clear communication between all members of the St Benedict’s community. These communication guidelines have been ratified by the School Board and are attached for you to read.
Communication Guidelines for Staff
Student School Reports
I know that many of the teachers will have used the long weekend to write end of term reports for our students. These reports will be distributed on Friday 28th June. As Three Way Conferences were held earlier in the year there will be no designated time set down for Three Way Conferences in week 10 as has happened in previous years. Parents are most welcome to have an optional parent teacher meeting should they wish. Please contact your child’s class teacher if you would like a parent teacher meeting following the school report.
Questions from Parents
Our staff are always very, very happy to answer any questions about the learning environment and program offered for your child. If your child comes home talking about the classroom and something sounds a little odd then please be sure to clarify directly with the teacher. A simple email is always effective or a quick conversation after or before school is also helpful. They are always happy to ring you back if you leave a message.
Leaving St Benedict’s
If you anticipate that your child will leave St Benedict’s at the end of this year, could you please notify the Front Office where they a heading to. We need to begin planning for staffing and class configurations for 2020. Thank you to those who have let us know already, this is very much appreciated. Naturally Year 6 parents need not respond to this request.
Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
The Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is the first Sunday after Pentecost. Trinity Sunday celebrates the Christian belief of the Trinity, the three Persons of God; the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Come Holy Spirit
Fill the hearts of your faithful
And kindle them in the fire of your love
Send forth your Spirit and they should be created
And you shall renew th face of the earth.
Event |
Date & time |
Venue |
Participants |
Celebration of the Sacrament of First Holy Communion |
Sunday 23rd June 9am Mass followed by celebration in the Parish Centre |
St Benedict’s Church and Parish Centre |
Candidates and their families and guests |
First Friday Mass
Thank you to Year 1/2 Blue who lead our school community in Mass last Friday. It was a beautiful celebration which included a liturgical movement to the much loved song My Lighthouse. Also, thank you to our energetic school choir and the families who provided for the morning tea. Your support is greatly appreciated.
Kindergarten Class Parish Mass
Kindergarten will be joining the parish this Sunday (16th June) to celebrate Mass. We ask that those who have children in Kindergarten to make a special effort to attend the school’s Parish Mass. The parish choir will be at this Mass and warmly welcome anyone to join in singing. If you are planning to attend Mass on Sunday and would like your child (or any family member) to have a formal role such as a reading, bringing forth the offertory or the Gospel procession, please email:
Fran Tomadini:
Mountian ViewOn Thursday 20th June, all Year 1/2 students will be participating in a Healing Liturgy with Father Dan and the members of our community at the Mountain View Aged Care Centre. We ask that you keep these students in your prayers as they nuture community spirit through their presence and participation in this special prayer celebration.
St Vincent de Paul School Sleepout
This year students in Years 4-6 have the opportunity to participate in a Sleep Out in the school library to raise awareness and money for the St Vincent de Paul Street to Home program. The St Vincent de Paul School Sleep Out will be held from Friday 28th June to Saturday 29th June. Students who returned their expression of interest note will receive their Permission notes and Sponsporship booklet this Friday.
Mini Vinnies Winter Woolies Day
Our Mini Vinnies are beginning to organise our annual Winter Woollies Day (whole school event) which will be held Friday 28th June to raise awareness about the issue of homelessness in Canberra as well as donations for the St Vincent de Paul Night Patrol Van. In preparation for this we ask that all families begin collecting adult size winter clothing, as well as blankets and sleeping bags. Donations can be second-hand or new. Please store these at home until Winter Woollies Day, as we do not have the capacity to store these at school.
For more information about the Canberra Night Patrol Van, please visit

The Community Meals freezer is one way we can assist families who are experiencing hardship. If you are able to cook a meal, please use disposable containers and label with ingredients and date. All meal donations can be brought to the Front Office. If your family requires temporary meal assistance, you can speak in confidence to any of our staff members.
14 Jun Year 6 Leader Photos - 9.15am - Leader Shirts16 Jun Parish Mass Kinder Families, 9.00am
17 Jun Year 3/4 Mugga Lane Resource Excursion
20 Jun Year 1/2 Mountain View visit
23 Jun First Holy Communion, 9.00am
27 Jun Learning Showcase, 2.00pm
28 Jun Semester reports sent home
28 Jun Winter Woollies Day - Unifrom Free Day
28 Jun St Vincent de Paul School Sleepout
1 Jul Parent—Teacher Interviews (Optional)
2 Jul Parent—Teacher Interviews (Optional)
5 Jul St Benedict’s Feast Day Mass, 10.00am
5 Jul Term 2 concludes
Year 6 StudentsThis Friday 14th June at 9.15 - Year 6 Leadership photos will be taken. All year 6 students will be required to wear their Leadership Shirts with sports uniform for this great day.
School Fees
Thank you to all the families that have paid their school fees so far. School fee reminders are being sent home this week. All fees are due by Friday 28th June.
Defence News
This year marks 75 years of D-Day (the Battle of Normandy). We remember the service men and women who lost their lives during this time. It is also a timely opportunity for us to remember, in prayer, our country's current serving men and women and their families, especially those who belong to our school community.
Linda de Salis
Defence School Mentor
ICAS is an independent, skills-based assessment program which recognises and rewards student achievement. ICAS provides a suite of academic assessments for primary (Years 3-6) and secondary school students but this testing is optional. These tests do not assess recall of curriculum content, but rather assess the higher order thinking and problem solving skills needed for success in English, Mathematics, Science, Writing, Spelling and Digital Technologies.
This year the tests are being conducted in online according to the following testing schedule. If you would like your child to participate in any of these tests, please return the accompanying note and payment by Monday 24th June.
Subject |
Sitting Dates |
ICAS Digital Technologies |
Tuesday 3 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS Science |
Thursday 5 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS Writing |
Tuesday 10 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS Spelling Bee |
Thursday 12 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS English |
Tuesday 17 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
ICAS Mathematics |
Thursday 19 September 2019 |
$14.40 |
I would like my child/ren ________________________ in class/es ______________ to participate in the nominated ICAS tests. I have included the required payment for each of these tests.
(please mark)
Digital Technologies $14.40 Tuesday 3rd September
Science $14.40 Thursday 5th September
Writing $14.40 Tuesday 10th September
Spelling $14.40 Thursday 12th September
English $14.40 Tuesday 17th September
Mathematics $14.40 Thursday 19th September
Total money included: $ ________________ Signed: __________________________
Parent/Carer Name: _________________________
Kindergarten: Nathaniel G
Year 1/2 Gold: Frederick H
Year 3/4 Gold: Elizabeth K
Year 5/6 Blue: Gabriel D
Year 5/6 Gold: Claudia K
Entertainment Book
This term we will be selling the new 2019-2020 Entertainment Book Membership for $60. You will receive hundreds of valuable offers for shopping, dining and accommodation. $12 of every membership sold will go towards our school. A sample copy is available for viewing at the Front Office.
Please make sure you buy a book through St Benedict’s School, and tell your family and friends about it too!
Entertainment Book using the link: Then pickup your book from Belinda at the Front Office.
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
The Clothing Pool will be open each Tuesday and Thursday between 2.50pm to 3.15pm by appointment.
Please let Mrs McRae know at the Front Office if you need something from the Clothing Pool.
The Lost Property Box is located in the canteen area. Please take some time to go through the box on a weekly basis as the lost property box is overflowing with jumpers and jackets. These are going to be essential items of your child/rens uniform as the days get colder.
Extra Lost Items
There are a number of personal items that have been handed into the office during the term. If you are missing any jewellery or accessories please call in and see Mrs McRae at the Front Office.
Hello everyone,
Thank you for the number of orders for the tuck day on Tuesday. I do hope the children enjoyed their little pizzas, garlic bread and drinks. It was a very successful day.
Just a little note about the tuckshop/canteen menu. A large proportion of the food sold through the canteen is made on site. This affords me with flexibility with ingredients, where I endeavour to ensure all students are catered for with respect to any dietary requirements. If your child has a dietary requirement, please refer to the canteen menu which I have updated to include information regarding Gluten Free (GF) or Lactose Free (LF). Much of the menu can be altered to accommodate these requirements. Therefore if your child has been unsure if they can have any food from the menu, I can assure you, some items can be changed. I believe food is a wonderful opportunity for children to share common ground amongst their friends. It can also be divisive for many reasons, including dietary requirements.
If you have any questions, please contact me.
I endeavour to ensure the prices are kept to $2 and below per item.
Please remember counter sales only occur at Recess time and lunch orders must be ordered in classroom tubs first up of a morning.
As most of the food is made fresh in the canteen volunteers are needed for the peak times for this to continue. If you have any spare time, please consider dropping in and helping as volunteers are always welcome. No amount of time is too small.
FRIDAY 14th June
9am to 11.30am - Helpers Required - Over counter sales only
11.30am to 2pm - Helpers Required
TUESDAY 18th June
9am to 11.30am - Helpers Required - Over counter sales only
11.30am to 2pm - Helpers Required
If you would like to touch base about volunteering please either drop in or contact me on
Yours in tongs,
Cara Cook, Canteen Manager
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday 6.00pm
Sunday 9.00am

Youth Mass 6.00pm
Charismatic Mass 6.00pm (last Sunday of the Month)
Baptisms: 11.00am, 2nd and 4th Sundays of the Month
As part of Merici College’s 60th Anniversary celebrations, a very special concert and
fundraiser will be held on Friday 9 August and Saturday 10 August in the College Auditorium, Wise Street Braddon. The concert starts at 7.00pm (arrival and seating at 6.30pm) on both nights. Walk down memory lane as each decade is revisited through dance, music, drama performances, Alumni reflections and current students highlighting life at Merici College. Tickets and refreshment packages available at All funds raised will be used to improve indoor and outdoor learning spaces for students.