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Dear Parents and Carers,
5 Ways of Being
At St Benedict’s, our actions are based on Catholic beliefs and values and in the spirit of St Benedict we welcome all. Our greatest belief is that we all are 'made in the image and likeness of God' (Genesis 1:27) and so each young person brings their own unique expression of life that we share in the responsibility to nurture and grow. To do this our community strives to offer a safe and caring learning environment and provide the opportunities and challenges that assist all students to create a positive future for themselves and their community.
At St Benedict’s we use our 5 Ways of Being as a guide for our behaviour – both social and learning. It makes expectations clear to students and the community and reinforces how we are striving to live, learn and work together.
Teachers explicitly teach how we can demonstrate these behaviours and then when students are noticed strongly demonstrating these, they can be awarded a ‘bee token’ in recognition of their efforts. Students collect these bee tokens and as they collect 10, 25 and 50, they are awarded special certificates as recognition. On achieving 50 bee tokens, students also receive an invitation to a special recess or lunch with the Principal.
Whilst we are always striving for and promoting positive behaviour at St Benedict’s, we recognise that there are times when some student behaviour does not reflect our 5 Ways of Being. At times we need to recognise that negative behaviour or bullying is occurring in our school between students.
It is important to understand what bullying is. It involves three critical components:
- A repeated pattern - This can be between individuals and/or groups.
- It can be obvious (physical, verbal) or hidden (exclusion, intimidation). It is not always obvious and can often be unacknowledged by adults.
- Not all conflict and aggression is bullying. Sometimes the conflict is between equals, and this is not bullying.
Regardless of the context, all conflict is responded to. Our Anti-bullying Policy outlines how we respond to any bullying that may occur. Early intervention is the key for us. Where bullying is happening, we need to know and address it before more serious habits of behaviour form and we need to determine the best form of response for the situation.
Bullying is complex and challenging to deal with. Short term, quick fix solutions like punishment don’t assist to break the cycle of the bully-victim social relationship. Our response will always require some analysis – identifying when and where it occurs and rectifying any power imbalance; relationship-focused – building positive relationships and learning successful social strategies for both bully and victim; and open communication – students, parents and staff are all engaged openly in working towards a positive and optimistic future.
At St Benedict’s we stand together against any form of bullying. If you would like to be a little clearer about what bullying is and how you can help your child to respond to bullying then I encourage you to visit There are some outstanding resources. In particular I encourage you to read "What is bullying"?
God Bless,
Alana Quirk
Principal (Acting)
Afternoon pickup
Just a reminder that we all need to be safe in the car park. Please walk over to pick up your child. Students will not be permitted to walk through the car park to you as this is a safety issue.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
As a school community we pray for the children who recently began their First Reconciliation Program at the prayer night. We pray that they discover the greatness of God’s love and forgiveness over the coming weeks.
Winter uniform and clothing pool
The clothing pool is overstocked! There are many good quality school uniform items available for a very small cost. We particularly have a large amount of uniform available in sizes 6, 8, 10 and 12. It is always great to have a few spares, especially as the weather gets colder.
If you require any items of school uniform, please don’t hesitate to contact the front office and let them know what items you are looking for. Mrs Cox can then source these for you and have them available for collection at the front office.
Please note the Tuckshop will be closed tomorrow, Thursday 10th March and next Tuesday 15th March. No lunch orders will be accepted on those days.
Protecting you and your family online
Going online can assist us every day BUT do we know what content and why our children are accessing it online? The latest research report from the eSafety Commissioner highlights some interesting findings.
The key findings in the Mind the Gap: Parental awareness of children's exposure to risks online report are:
- Many children have go online for health information, searching for material about mental, physical and sexual health.
- A third of children looked for emotional support online from friends and/or mental health support services.
- Significant numbers of children have had negative online experiences:
- Almost all children did something in response to a negative online experience – most commonly telling their parents.
All relevant communication and information is sent via Compass.
Please contact the office at if you require access to Compass.
Happy Birthday to the following children who celebrate their special day this week: Molly F, Zoe G, Beau F, Charlie W, Saffron M and Aaradhya P.
Kinder: Joseph K and Makayla H
Yr 1/2 G: Eli M and Eyad M
Yr 3/4 B: Alishia W
Yr 3/4 G: Adrian B and Mia-Rose S
Yr 5/6 B: Mia T and Arwyn S
Yr 1/2 G: Hugo S
Yr 3/4 B: Jayden L
Yr 5/6 B: Sophia M and Alannah C
St Benedict's Parish
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12noon
Phone: 62957879
Web: website:
Parish Team:
Fr Rembert Fernando MGL
Fr Baiju Thomas MGL
Onela Iruthayaraj (Parish Secretary)
Masses have recommenced at the usual times. 170 people are able to attend each Mass in person. Please follow social distancing and sanitise before entry. Face masks are no longer mandatory, but encouraged for those 12 years and above. Parishioners are not required to produce evidence of vaccination. Upon entry please sign in using the CBR app, if you are unable to do so please use the sign in sheets that are available. If you are unwell due to immunity issues it is better to stay home.