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Dear Parents and Carers,
COVID-19 Update
Thank you for continuing to monitor and test for COVID. We are continuing with our COVID safe practices within the school and have luckily had very few cases to date. Please remember to keep your child/ren home if they display any symptoms. We will continue to inform the community of cases as they arise. This afternoon the ACT Government has announced that RAT kits will continue to be provided to schools until Week 8. We will distribute these as they are delivered.
Help Needed - Parents and Friends Committee
Last night the P&F held their AGM for the year. Thank you to the new families that joined our meeting. At the AGM all positions were declared open. We have several vacancies on the P&F due to families moving and students graduating. We are now seeking volunteers from the Parent community to join the P&F, as we are short volunteers for the following positions:
- President
- Vice-President
- Secretary
- An additional person to assist with the Clothing Pool
- Further people to help coordinate the Fundraising and Social Events team
Being a member of the P&F is not an onerous task and is one that is invaluable to the school. The P&F meets twice a term and is focused on building community through social events and fundraising. The role of President involves chairing P&F meetings, liaising with the school leadership team and front office staff, and the rare attendance at a wider community event. The Vice President takes on the role of support for the President and steps in, in the absence of the President. The Secretary role involves taking minutes at meetings, sending reminder emails and agendas for meeting, and redirecting any correspondence that comes through.
The St Benedict’s P&F are very inclusive and supportive of everybody in their roles and always willing to help each other out in anyway. Please consider being involved in the school through the role of P&F member, even if not one of the needed positions. It is a wonderful way to be part of the school community.
Interim Reports
Interim Reports will be sent out via the Compass Parent Portal next Friday, 25th February. These Interim Reports provide parents and carers with an overview of how their child/ren is settling into school and feedback on their learning behaviours.
This year we have revised our reporting/feedback cycle to accommodate the reduced teacher comment that Catholic Education implemented in the formal Semester Report. Our reporting cycle this year will be as follows:
Term 1
Week 4 – Interim reports sent home (Friday)
Week 9 – Learning Showcase (online)
Term 2
Week 8 – Semester Reports sent home (Via Compass)
Week 9 – Learning Showcase
- 3 Way Conferences (Teacher, Parent/s and Child)
Term 3
Week 9 – Learning Showcase
Term 4
Week 8 – Semester Reports sent home (Via Compass)
- Learning Showcase
Week 9 – Optional Parent/Teacher Conferences
Please note that parents/carers are always very welcome to make an appointment to meet with the classroom teacher to discuss their child and their learning and/or behaviour.
We thank you for your continued support.
God bless.
Brumbies and Gymnastics Programs
Last week our students began their participation in a weekly gymnastics program. During these times, students develop their coordination, balance and basic skills in jumps, rolls, stretches and gross motor movements.
This week students also participated in their first Brumbies ‘modified rugby’ coaching session. K-2 students will participate again next week and Years 3-6 will complete two more sessions with the coaches. A lot of fun was had by all!
Water bottles and hats
Just a reminder that due to COVID restrictions, water bubblers are closed. This means that students need to bring their own refillable water bottle every day. As it is important that students stay hydrated, please ensure your child/ren has a water bottle each day.
Hats On! I remind parents that all students are required to wear hats at school at the following times; before school, during recess and lunchtime.
Sign your child in when late
If your child arrives late to school, any time from 9:00am, it is essential that you sign them in at the Front Office. Under our current restrictions, parents are still allowed into the Front Office to complete this process.
Lunchtime Clubs
We have reinstated our Lunchtime Clubs this term by ensuring our clubs are following the cohorting requirements. These clubs are organised and generously supervised by staff, TeamKids and our Year 6 Community Leaders and offer students the opportunity for some quiet time or special interest time in a small group social setting. Please see the timetable below of these activities:
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Recess |
Mini Vinnies Yrs 3-6 Kinder Classroom Ms Wright |
Homework K-6 5/6B classroom Mrs Quirk |
Cosmic Kids Yoga K-2 1/2 Gold classroom Miss Maple |
Library K-2 Library Mrs Anderson |
Library Yrs 3-6 Library Mrs Anderson |
Team Building Games Yrs 3-6 School Hall Yr 6 Community Leaders and Mrs Mac |
Beyblade Club Yrs 3-6 Music Room Mrs Quirk |
Group Games on the oval Yrs 3-6 Team Kids |
Group Games School Hall K-2 Team Kids |
Mini Vinnies K-2 Kinder Classroom Ms Wright |
Ukulele Yrs 3-6 Music Room Mr Drake |
Ukulele Yrs K-2 Music Room Mr Drake |
Happy Birthday to the following children who celebrated their special day this week: Reuben W, Blaire T and Lydia P
Kinder: Emma B, Isabella E and Cian G
Yr 1/2 B: Sandy W and Catelin S
Yr 1/2 G: Aimee O and Keisha L
Yr 3/4 B: Eva S and Thisagari R
Yr 5/6 B: Joanna D and Millie R
Yr 5/6 G: Rafael V, Maria C and Cooper W
Yr 1/2B: Julian W
Yr 1/2 G: Hassem A
Yr 3/4 B: Nathaniel G
Yr 5/6 B: Augustin L
Clothing Pool and Lost Property
If you require uniform items please email the school:
with attention Mrs Hemphill or Mrs Cox with the list of items required. Please include either your telephone number or email address.
We will endeavour to fill your order and reply to you as soon as possilble.
The tuckshop is open every Tuesday and Thursday.
Cash sales at recess and all other orders online via QKR App.
Remember to bring your own apple to have it slinkied at the Tuckshop!
St Benedict's Parish
Office Hours: Tuesday to Friday 9am to 12noon
Phone: 62957879
Web: website:
Parish Team:
Fr Rembert Fernando MGL
Fr Baiju Thomas MGL
Onela Iruthayaraj (Parish Secretary)
This Saturday 19 February, Archbishop Christopher Prowse is installing Fr Rem as Parish Priest at the 6.00pm Vigil Mass with a celebration (meal) afterward in the Parish Centre and outside.
Upon entry please sign in using the CBR app, if you are unable to do so please use the sign in sheets that are available. If you are unwell due to immunity issues it is better to stay home.